On the Market comes off the market Sunday, March 5. After the show, the author, Jason Odell Williams will be joining us from New York for his final talkback. Since BAT is just the second theater to produce On the Market, Jason is very interested to hear your thoughts about the play.
#BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #JasonShowsUp #JasonWantToHearFromYou #LastDays #Theatre #Theater
#theater #theatre #lastdays #jasonwanttohearfromyou #jasonshowsup #onthemarket #battheatre
This is the last weekend of On the Market. Don't let the last one of these happen without you seeing this tender comedy! (Friday and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 2 pm)
#getticketsnow #lastweekend #onthemarket #battheatre
Just one more weekend of On the Market. That's right, just three more chances to see this wonderful comedy that will also touch your heart.
#BATTheatre #LastWeekend #OnTheMarket #GetTicketsBeforeItIsGone
#getticketsbeforeitisgone #onthemarket #lastweekend #battheatre
BAT's newsletter about the last weekend of On the Market. Catch On the Market before it goes off the market on March 5!
#BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #TooGoodToMiss #GetYourTicketsNow #LastWeekend
#lastweekend #getyourticketsnow #toogoodtomiss #onthemarket #battheatre
Hat tip to #ShowsIveSeen for spreading the word. The last weekend of On the Market is March 3 through 5. (Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 2)
#comedy #theatre #lastweekend #onthemarket #battheatre #showsiveseen
Here, Chad realizes he missed On the Market on Feb 25 at 8 pm AND on Feb 26 at 2 pm. DON'T be like Chad.
#BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #GetYourTicketsNow #GreatShow #Theater #LiveTheater
#livetheater #theater #greatshow #getyourticketsnow #onthemarket #battheatre
Frank realizes that there are just 5 performances left of the comedy On the Market (no performance this Friday). He suddenly gets up to order his tickets.
Be like Frank. Order your tickets now.
#BATtheatre #5MorePerformances #Comedy #Theater #OnTheMarket #OrderTickets
#ordertickets #onthemarket #theater #comedy #5moreperformances #battheatre
The reviewer came on a dress rehearsal, not opening night, but here is the first review of On the Market.
#BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #FristReview #FullDressRehearsal #ComeToTheShow #GetTicketsNow
#getticketsnow #cometotheshow #fulldressrehearsal #fristreview #onthemarket #battheatre
Actors waiting in the green room for this Friday's 8 pm performance of the comedy On the Market.
Get your tickets at the link: https://v6.click4tix.com/event-details.php?e=431549&domain=BAT
#BATtheatre #Comedy #OnTheMarket #InTheGreenRoom #WaitingTilFriday
#waitingtilfriday #inthegreenroom #onthemarket #comedy #battheatre
The author Jason Odell Williams Zooming into our talkback from New York. He loves hearing what the audience says about On the Market. Enjoy the show, and then share your feedback. He'll be back after the last two Sunday matinees.
#authorfromnewyork #zoomingin #onthemarket #battheatre
BAT completed its first indoor-in-person weekend of shows after three years of not being allowed to make theater inside!!! Being in front of such great audiences makes us smile!!! Everyone who showed up is our Valentines!!! Thanks to Kennedy Catholic High School for letting us make magic there!
Hat tip to the author, Jason Odell Williams, who Zoomed in from New York for a talkback after the Sunday matinee. He'll be back twice more.
#makingmagic #onthemarket #backinside #battheatre
The Author of On the Market saw our show photos and wrote, "These are great! totally made me smile and laugh -- i can see how much fun the cast is having and can tell just from the pictures which moments in the play they are doing! looks fantastic!"
Don't miss this comedy! Weekends through March 5!
#ticketlink #authornote #onthemarket #battheatre
Is that an odd pizza delivery guy, or is something else happening? Come to On the Market to find out. On the Market, weekends through March 5. https://battheatre.org/shows/current-season/on-the-market
#BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #TilMarch5 #PizzaDeliverOrNot #TicketLink
#ticketlink #pizzadeliverornot #tilmarch5 #onthemarket #battheatre
Are they talking about selling real estate or dating? Come to On the Market to find out. On the Market, weekends through March 5. https://battheatre.org/shows/current-season/on-the-market
#BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #TilMarch5 #DatingAdvice #TicketLink
#ticketlink #datingadvice #tilmarch5 #onthemarket #battheatre
This is it. Opening night! Back inside and in person. Join us for the opening of the romantic comedy On the Market, tonight at 8 pm. (Note our new location 140 S 140th, Burien, WA)
#BATtheatre #OpeningNight #OnTheMarket #Comedy #NewLocation #8pm
#8pm #newlocation #comedy #onthemarket #openingnight #battheatre
It is nice to be back in person. Just sold our first ticket to On the Market to a BAT-fan in Portland. It will be good to see you again!
#BATtheatre #SeeYouAgain #ComingFromPortland #OnTheMarket #LiveTheatre #InPerson
#inperson #livetheatre #onthemarket #comingfromportland #seeyouagain #battheatre
Actor notes after the first tech for On the Market. It is NOT too soon to get your tickets.
#getthemnow #battickets #firsttech #onthemarket #battheatre
Set building for On the Market. We open February 10, for a four-weekend run. Don't miss this comedy. Come check out our new-to-us space!
#BATtheatre #SetBuild #NewToUs #OpeningNightSoon #OnTheMarket
#onthemarket #openingnightsoon #newtous #setbuild #battheatre
Set build for On the Market a BAT Theatre. We open on February 10, 2023, for four weekends. www.BATthatre.org
#BATtheatre #OpensFebraury10 #OnTheMarket #LiveTheatrer #Theater
#theater #livetheatrer #onthemarket #opensfebraury10 #battheatre
Looking at paintings today. A quick trip to a gallery.
Then spent most of the day working on the On the Market set.
It struck me, that many fine art painters work basically alone. Theater, on the other hand, is very collaborative, maybe even more so in how we work at BAT.
Both end in great art, but the paths can be so different.
BATtheatre #OnTheMarket #DifferantPaths #SetBuild
#setbuild #differantpaths #onthemarket