Mede-autisten, wat vinden jullie leuk aan auti zijn? Of een groot voordeel?
#onthespectrum #ass #autisme #autismacceptance #dtv
I am on the spectrum. Many of us seem to be. I am here for all who are #OnTheSpectrum who are having non human, possible alien, contact.
If you have to go to your org's HR dept for accommodations for your #Neurodiversity, because your manager won't provide them, you may be working for the wrong manager (or org).
#neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neurodiverse #neurodiversesquad #adhd #autism #onthespectrum #actuallyautistic
Als ik te overprikkeld ben, kan ik soms tijdelijk niet praten. Geen kwestie van niet willen, maar omdat ik dan gewoon even niet meer kan. Soms is het beperkt praten, en me heel erg terugtrekken. Dat is vandaag het geval. Het helpt zo erg om te weten hoe dit komt.
#Autisme #ActuallyAutistic #OnTheSpectrum #ASD #ASS #Neurodivergent
#neurodivergent #ass #asd #onthespectrum #ActuallyAutistic #autisme
All these special days, my head keeps spinning on completing pictures. The pictures contain conversations, situations, planning/time management etc. It’s exhausting. My autistic brain needs enough info to complete the pictures, and that’s almost impossible when almost everything is different from regular days/weeks. I’m already exhausted. 😩😩
#neurodivergent #onthespectrum #asd #ActuallyAutistic
Goodnight and sweet dreams to all my spooning friends who were already in bed by 8:00 tonight 😴
Which reminds me, I need to introduce my spoonie self. Follow me, and I'll follow you back!
#spoonie #PolioSurvivor #PPS #arthritis #ChronicFatigue #depression #anxiety #SpoonTheory #ADHD
and probably #OnTheSpectrum somewhere but never evaluated for it so who knows?
#spoonie #poliosurvivor #pps #arthritis #chronicfatigue #depression #anxiety #spoontheory #adhd #onthespectrum
Goodnight and sweet dreams to all my spoonie friends who were already in bed by 8:00 tonight 😴
Which reminds me, I need to introduce my spoonie self. Follow me, and I'll follow you back!
#spoonie #PolioSurvivor #PPS #arthritis #ChronicFatigue #depression #anxiety #SpoonTheory #ADHD
and probably #OnTheSpectrum somewhere but never evaluated for it so who knows?
#spoonie #poliosurvivor #pps #arthritis #chronicfatigue #depression #anxiety #spoontheory #adhd #onthespectrum
New read today .. neuro diversity is fascinating and traits not uncommon.. imagine what we could accomplish if we truly understood ourselves without shame….stay tuned..#unmaskingautism #onthespectrum #ableism
#unmaskingautism #onthespectrum #ableism