@RitchieTorres that's great as far as disqualifying them from running but there needs to be a #severePenalty for major #liarsInOffice. #fireThem. Add #illegalDrugUse/ #drugAddiction/ #alcoholism. If they have recovered/ #OnTheWagon, great. Good for them. They can still run/serve. It's the lying about it that's the important part. Rather like a #backgroundCheck. Speaking of which, how about making them pass a #secret or #topSecret level #securityClearance? That would solve many of our problems.
#severepenalty #liarsinoffice #firethem #illegaldruguse #drugaddiction #alcoholism #onthewagon #backgroundcheck #secret #topsecret #securityclearance
Last year I had a bit of a health scare that kicked me into doing a #dryjanuary . Which also became a dry February and dry March. #Alcohol slowly creeped back into my life from there but never to the extent it was before. That said, I am taking a step away from drinking alcohol and would encourage anyone who hasn’t given it a try to do so. When I took a break, I lost 15lbs, dropped my body fat by 5%, slept better, had more energy, and the dark circles under my aging eyes went mostly away. Just saying…
#2023 #onthewagon #sleep #health
#dryjanuary #alcohol #onthewagon #sleep #health