"Contrary to what is commonly assumed, OW arises as a clear threat to #cephalopods, while OA exhibited more restricted impacts. In fact, OW impacts were ubiquitous across different stages of #ontogeny..."
O Borges et al
#cephalopods #ontogeny #climatecrisis #marinelife #biology #science
The Fluvial Geomorphology Equivalent Of ‘Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny’?
https://www.usgs.gov/3d-elevation-program <-- USGS’s 3DEP’s open data for elevation
This is a ‘quick and dirty’ visualisation I made the other day with 3DEP iFSAR data to get a better sense of the fluvial geomorphology up in this area of NE Alaska near Kaktovik/Gordon, it is amazing what pops...
Lay over some hydrology vectors, some of the underlying geology boundaries, etc - and the landforms become much easier to understand in terms of origin and development - the geomorphic/hydrologic/erosional/geologic/vegetative/etc equivalent of biology's “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”?
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Alaska #USA #3DEP #opendata #elevation #iFSAR #remotesensing #radar #visualisation #fluvial #hydrology #geology #erosion #geomorphology #ontogeny #phylogeny #landforms #origin #development #vegetation #appliedscience
#gis #spatial #mapping #alaska #USA #3dep #opendata #elevation #ifsar #remotesensing #radar #visualisation #fluvial #hydrology #geology #erosion #geomorphology #ontogeny #phylogeny #landforms #origin #development #vegetation #appliedscience
@PeerCommunityIn Now published in Peer Community Journal, #ecology section: Feeding and growth variations affect δ13C and δ15N budgets during #ontogeny in a #lepidopteranlarva https://doi.org/10.24072/pcjournal.265
#ecology #ontogeny #lepidopteranlarva
A new #preprint #OpenScience #PeerReview by #PCI_Ecology: Charberet, S., Maria, A., Siaussat, D., Gounand, I., & Mathieu, J. (2023). Feeding and growth variations affect δ13C and δ15N budgets during #ontogeny in a #lepidopteranlarva. #bioRxiv #Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.09.515573
#preprint #OpenScience #PeerReview #pci_ecology #ontogeny #lepidopteranlarva #biorxiv #ecology
Honeybees are far from being mere robots. Their waggle dance requires social learning. Complex behaviours are seldom entirely innate.
#Science #Biology #AnimalBehaviour #communication #foraging #SocialLearning #cognition #ontogeny #WaggleDance #Honeybee
📄 Dong et al (2023) Social signal learning of the waggle dance in honey bees. Science 379:1015–1018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.ade1702
#science #biology #animalbehaviour #communication #foraging #SocialLearning #cognition #ontogeny #waggledance #honeybee
How does #copepod #respiration change through #ontogeny and are these patterns resilient to acute #temperature exposure during early stages? We look into this in our new #preprint! A big shout out to Mat, for all his hard work on this project!
#copepod #respiration #ontogeny #temperature #preprint
Read a review by Tomasello on 3-year-olds' "normative turn", e.g., using language like "You should not do that!". Says norm-thinking develops from experience of collaborating with peers. Certainly, collaboration is a place you can learn about norms: commitment to follow through, obligation to share spoils, guilt if the norms violated, and sanction from a 3rd-party perspective (e.g., "you should" instead of "I want").
#norms #ontogeny #cooperation #collaboration
Eggs of B. latro are laid in the sea. The babies spend some time backpacking around the ocean as larvae, then they settle down on the sea floor, find a nice empty gastropod shell, and start adulting on dry land. After they enter the juvenile stage, if they return to the water, they will drown. So much for reliving their lost youth. #ontogeny
Very happy to share our new paper, showing that the ontogenetic trajectory of trabecular bone tracks neural development and life-history variation among humans and non-human primates. If applied to the fossil record, could lead to new ways to interpret the evolution of developmental trajectories of the brain. Great work by Jaap Saers, and coauthors Tim Ryan and Adam Gordon.
#humanevolution #biomechanics #locomotion #ontogeny #paleoanthropology #neuraldevelopment
#Humanevolution #biomechanics #locomotion #ontogeny #paleoanthropology #neuraldevelopment
The vast majority of #gastropod species has #dextral (right-handed) shell. #Sinistral individuals are extremely rare in snails. Here is a very nice citizen science project investigating the developmental origin of this #chirality. #science biology #ontogeny #snail #shell #citizenscience
📄 Davison et al. (2020) Internet ‘shellebrity’’ reflects on origin of rare mirror-image snails.’ Biology Letters 16:20200110 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0110
#gastropod #dextral #Sinistral #chirality #science #ontogeny #snail #shell #citizenscience