Day #11 (Mark 13-16) – Curtis Hartshorn | #BibleTalk #ChurchOfChrist #ONYOURMARK
#bibletalk #churchofchrist #onyourmark
#ジブリ映画 の中で突出して好きな#OnYourMark の翼の少女を#Wombo と#Holara でトレースしてみた。
1. ジブリオリジナル(公式サイトの画像)
2. Womboトレース(strong)
3. Holaraトレース(デフォの75%)
#holara #wombo #onyourmark #ジブリ映画
Do you guys know?
Ghibli Experimental Theater On Your Mark is an animated (Sci-fi) music video created by Studio Ghibli for the song "On Your Mark" by the Japanese rock duo Chage & Aska.
The song was released in 1994 as part of the single "Heart".
In 1995, Hayao Miyazaki wrote and directed the short film for the song as a side-project after having writer's block with Princess Mononoke.
#ghibli #studioghibli #スタジオジブリ #anime #onyourmark #hayaomiyazaki #scifi
#SciFi #hayaomiyazaki #onyourmark #Anime #スタジオジブリ #studioghibli #ghibli