After a chase that lasted more than 10 years, finally here it is:
Architecture of the Vertebrate Egg Coat and Structural Basis of the ZP2 Block to Polyspermy
#fertilization #oocyte #sperm #zonapellucida #zp_domain #zp_module #zp1 #zp2 #zp3 #infertility
#infertility #zp3 #zp2 #zp1 #zp_module #zp_domain #zonapellucida #sperm #oocyte #fertilization
Release of cortical granules at #oocyte surface is critical for preventing #polyspermy. @ShamipourShayan @HeisenbergCPLab show that in #zebrafish this is driven by the concerted action of yolk granule fusion & #microtubule aster contraction #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #microtubule #zebrafish #polyspermy #oocyte
Carotenoids presence in zona pellucida of human oocytes: potential role of chemical compounds evaluation by life-cell imaging for oocyte selection.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 35, 167-168.
#ramaneffect #oocyte #ivf #fertilisation #fertility
#ramaneffect #oocyte #ivf #fertilisation #fertility
Conservation of oocyte development in germline cysts from Drosophila to mouse #oocyte #germline #germcells