#GabrieleBartolini presenting the #CloudNativePG #PostgreSQL #Kubernetes #operator at #PGConfDE
#k8s #database #databases #ooensource #postgres #conference #conferences
#gabrielebartolini #cloudnativepg #postgresql #kubernetes #operator #pgconfde #k8s #database #databases #ooensource #postgres #conference #conferences
You mean KDE video editor? Such a thing exists? Is this KDEnlive? Better that Shotcut?
Do you avoid installing browser extensions?
What will make you trust them?
@guardianproject @epixoip @sc00bz While I also advocate for #OoenSource, especially #security software, I balk at the word “trivial.” There have been many times when a security flaw was found in open source code long after it was released and deployed, especially with critical infrastructure code that’s nevertheless under-funded because the industry loves the free-as-in-beer interpretation of #FreeSoftware.
#ooensource #security #freesoftware
Will be interesting to read the study on the economic advantages of #ooensource on EU level. #OpenSource trägt 95 Milliarden Euro zur #EU Wirtschaftskraft bei https://www.heise.de/news/Studie-Open-Source-traegt-95-Milliarden-Euro-zur-EU-Wirtschaftskraft-bei-5047848.html (German)