This tired guy tried so hard to sleep on the train, but every stop had him waking up from his head rolling from one side to the other.
Another drawing using the LAMY Safari fountain pen, and the orange Ooly fountain pen.
#sketches #fountainpen #sketchbook #drawing #LAMYsafari #Oolyfountainpen
#sketches #fountainpen #sketchbook #drawing #lamysafari #oolyfountainpen
Another attempt sketching with an Ooly fountain pen, this time in orange. I haven't learned my lesson with the Ooly pens (clearly), but I think this came out better than the last!
#sketches #fountainpen #sketchbook #drawing #oolyfountainpen
#sketches #fountainpen #sketchbook #drawing #oolyfountainpen
This was a tough one! Everyone was on the move. I tried drawing with the Ooly fountain pen (consistency was scratchy), then switched back over to the faster flowing Lamy.
Btw, the black ink in the Lamy pen is Noodlers. It dries waterproof, and has a paler black tone than other inks I've come across. Not ideal for fountain pens, imo.
#sketches #fountainpen #sketchbook #drawing #LAMYsafari #oolyfountainpen
#sketches #fountainpen #sketchbook #drawing #lamysafari #oolyfountainpen