Descubrimiento Enigmático: El Martillo de London Revelado #oopart #weird #insolito
Let’s see the so-called “scientists” contort logic and geology to explain this one. What would it take to get them to admit this could be evidence that a civilization of intelligent beings once thrived on Mars?
#xenoArcheaology #Archaeology #IndianaJones #LostCivilizations #OOPArt #Pseudoarchaeology #AncientHistory #AncientCivilization
#ancientcivilization #ancienthistory #pseudoarchaeology #oopart #lostcivilizations #indianajones #archaeology #xenoarcheaology
These bronze age Artifacts were uncovered in a different part of the country from Sanxingdui. The similarities are striking.
“Complete Bronze Age town with elite tombs discovered in northern China - The site is one of the largest ever discovered dating from China's early Shang Dynasty.”
#Archaeology #IndianaJones #LostCivilizations #OOPArt #PseudoArchaeology #AncientCivilization
#ancientcivilization #pseudoarchaeology #oopart #lostcivilizations #indianajones #archaeology
Fringe Archeology for Monday - This is a little too extraordinary and incredible even for me… Allegedly this mathematician believes there was once a sphere or a disk on the top of the Pyramids in Egypt… keeping an open mind.
#Archaeology #IndianaJones #LostCivilizations #OOPArt #Pseudoarchaeology #AncientHistory #AncientCivilization #Egyptology
#egyptology #ancientcivilization #ancienthistory #pseudoarchaeology #oopart #lostcivilizations #indianajones #archaeology
Some more behind the scenes look at the real-world artifact behind the “Dial Of Destiny,” The Antikythera Mechanism…
Which leads us to believe that this is society where this was built was far more advanced than modern academia would allow us to believe.
#Archaeology #IndianaJones #LostCivilizations #OOPArt #Pseudoarchaeology #ancienthistory #AncientCivilization #paranormal
#paranormal #ancientcivilization #ancienthistory #pseudoarchaeology #oopart #lostcivilizations #indianajones #archaeology
Molti oopart sono stati trovati in antiche rovine, tuttavia, è possibile trovarne uno che provenga da un futuro diverso dal nostro? È il caso di una moneta nazista coniata nel 2039.
La moneta ha come data di conio il 2039.
Diego Avilés è responsabile di aver trovato una strana moneta in una ...
#11Dicembre #Inspiegabileemistero #Monetanazista #Oopart
#oopart #monetanazista #Inspiegabileemistero #11dicembre
Indianaggionny del fediverso, accorrete!
Domenica mentre rivoltavo la terra in giardino per rifare una aiuola ho trovato questo coso. Sembra un tappo, di cosa lo ignoro. Ma soprattutto non riesco a collocarlo nel tempo. Primi del Novecento? Millemila anni fa? Solo voi archeologi potete saperlo!
Seriamente...qualche idea?
#mastoaiuto #arecheologia #archeologodelladomenica #oopart #aiuole #spingitoridiaiuole #fregnobbuffo #indianajones
#indianajones #fregnobbuffo #spingitoridiaiuole #aiuole #oopart #archeologodelladomenica #arecheologia #mastoaiuto