Price's recall has been a topic long before her weak response. The joint town-hall with Price and OPD did not help her.
I thought the NAACPs statement was more of an indictment of the OPD than Price.
Also, the regional NAACP has entered the chat:
#OPD Open Week https://www.oneplanetcouncil.org.uk/open-week-2023-august-10-15th/
August 10th to 15th 2023, a selection of One Planet Developments across Cymru / #Wales are offering a tour of their plots.
An opportunity to have a guided tour of One Planet Develop land \ homes where people are doing it (almost*) right.
How else can we live in ways that mitigate #ClimateChange & biodiversity loss?
*burning biomass isn't (scalable) sustainable + why the frig would anyone in their informed mind choose to inhale wood smoke?
Meet Dr. Holly Joshi, a nationally recognized expert on gender-based violence prevention and intervention. C. J. Hirschfield has the details of Dr. Joshi's remarkable career.
#apd #opd #glide #missey #alameda #DrHollyJoshi #SocialJustice #StMarySCollege #HumanTrafficking #TheWisdomOfTrauma #SexualExploitation #ApdChiefNishantJoshi
#apd #opd #glide #missey #alameda #drhollyjoshi #SocialJustice #stmaryscollege #humantrafficking #thewisdomoftrauma #sexualexploitation #apdchiefnishantjoshi
APD collaborated with Alameda County’s Regional Auto Theft Task Force to recover hundreds of converters, $260K cash, stolen firearms, and other property. The multi-agency taskforce also made six arrests.
#apd #opd #theft #acratt #alameda #CarTheft #CatalyticConverters #AlamedaCountyNarcoticsTaskforce
#apd #opd #theft #acratt #alameda #cartheft #catalyticconverters #alamedacountynarcoticstaskforce
Ten years of stolen life can’t simply be brushed off’: After overturned Oakland murder #convictions and charges against detective, two men sue #OPD
Jesus christ #opd is a crime syndicate
They paid a homeless woman $30000 to lie under oath to get a false murder conviction
#oakland #police #OPD
#ShotSpotter changed its name to SoundThinking!
... after the company’s stock lost 1/3 of its value following Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s election [who] promised to end the city’s deal with the company.... Chicago's inspector general found that 90% of incidents where police responded to a ShotSpotter alert, officers didn’t classify it as a gun crime.
SoundThinking’s recent growth is fueled by money from the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act
#Oakland #police #opd #shotspotter
Oakland has tons like these, out of 700 cops total, regular cops getting paid $200k/year or more in salary, benefits, and OT. I just picked two corrupt cops in the news recently and two notorious killers.
#OPD has rampant overtime fraud, with cops claiming OT while on vacation, for instance, and no documentation for 90% of claims. Two auditor reports were basically ignored. Popular cops can claim whatever they want. "Yeah, I worked 30 hrs OT every single week last year, and the year before, and the year before that."
#VisionZero people
How would you improve science-driven reporting on traffic safety?
#ChanZuckerbergInitiative is funding science-driven reporting about traffic safety in #Oakland
I would love to see better analysis of the causes of traffic deaths
Police only list speed as a cause of death if the speed is more than x mph above posted speed limit, where #OPD do not reveal the value of x
Car hitting pedestrian at 35-40mph in a pedestrian district?
Speed is not a factor since posted speed limit is 30mph.
@BrentToderian @humantransit https://oaklandside.org/2023/04/26/the-oaklandsides-road-safety-reporting-gets-another-boost-funding-to-focus-on-science/
#visionzero #oaklandside #chanzuckerberginitiative #oakland #opd
#Oakland homicide inspector charged with perjury and threatening a witness
#oakland #opd #theoaklandside #pamelaprice
Arrest warrant issued for Oakland Police officer accused of perjury, threatening witness.
The officer worked on hundreds of cases in the past decade and the legitimacy of those cases could be called into question.
Arrest warrant issued for #Oakland police officer accused of perjury, threatening witness. #oakmtg #opd
Boaters and boat owners using the Oakland Estuary may soon face new rules for anchoring there, including a ban on living aboard a boat. The action follows recent reporting from the Alameda Post on the hazards and threats to public safety caused by anchor-outs.
#APD #OPD #Boars #Alameda #Estuary #Marinas #Oakland #Ordinance #CoastGuard #Liveaboards #OaklandEstuary #SanFranciscoBay #McAteer-PetrisAct #OaklandCityCouncil #BayConservationAndDevelopmentCommission
#apd #opd #boars #alameda #estuary #marinas #Oakland #ordinance #coastguard #liveaboards #oaklandestuary #sanfranciscobay #mcateer #oaklandcitycouncil #bayconservationanddevelopmentcommission
#Oakland police have released 3 photos of the car suspected of killing a 100-year-old pedestrian in a hit-&-run at 19th & Harrison on Sunday morning. It is a tan or white Mini Cooper with a darker colored top. More info from #OPD here:
I get that #Oakland has a lot of serious crime and #OPD can't realistically investigate most of it, but it's still pretty shitty that cops are constantly telling victims of burglaries, assaults, hit-and-runs or whatever else that we're on our own and shouldn't even bother trying to report crimes.
Anchored-out vessels clog up the Estuary and create environmental and public health hazards, but cleaning them up is a balancing act. Ken Der shares stories of what can go wrong with wayward vessels and why it's so tricky to keep the waterways clear.
#APD #EPA #OPD #OARS #Alameda #Estuary #Oakland #CalRecycle #CoastGuard #CoastalCleanup #CaliforniaDivisionOfBoatingAndWaterways
#apd #epa #opd #oars #alameda #estuary #Oakland #calrecycle #coastguard #coastalcleanup #californiadivisionofboatingandwaterways