RT @OpDeathEaters@twitter.com
There are very few pure and good souls on this earth-the ones that appear are destroyed by those who attack them & those who laugh and ignore it.
"The words of our enemies aren't as bad as the silence of our friends" #Justice4Daisy #ForDaisy #opDeathEaters https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/05/daisy-coleman-audrie-and-daisy-documentary-dies-by-suicide/
#opdeatheaters #ForDaisy #Justice4Daisy
This thread is about Peter Nygard the former head of Nygard International. Features #opDeathEaters regulars Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, Prince Albert of Monaco, George H.W. Bush.
Movimientos anti impunidad en el mundo #EndImpunity #YourAnonNews #youranoncentral
🇺🇸#BlackLivesMatter / #AbolishICE
🇿🇦#AmINext / #EndFemicide
#EndPoliceBrutalityInZambia #freepalestine #RapeNationalEmergency #BelarusProtests #AnglophoneCrisis #MingaPorLavida #AmINext #shutitalldown #JunkTerrorLaw #OpCanary #lebanonprotests #ChileDesperto #CongolsBleeding #youthagainstrape #problemistyrannynotethnicity #RemoveOmnibusLaw #ZimbabweanLivesMatter #save12hkyouths #whatishappeninginthailand #OpGabon #EndFemicide #opdeatheaters #milkteaalliance #niunamas #abolishice #blacklivesmatter #mmiw #EndSARS #youranoncentral #YourAnonNews #endimpunity
RT @SentierBattant@twitter.com
@manuelvalls@twitter.com Va manger tes morts Manu ! #OpDeathEaters
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SentierBattant/status/1267919257612038146
Seguendo #opdeatheaters si trovano varie foto e documenti processuali riguardanti accuse di pedofilia di Epstein e Trump leaked da anonymous
Se fosse vero sarebbe uno schifo. Anzi, il termine non basterebbe.
Mi stupisce un po' che non ci siano articoli sui siti di news italiani
L'hashtag incriminato è #opdeatheaters
RT @quinta
#TrumpResignNow è trending negli USA apparentemente a seguito di un leak da Anonymous.
Se i documenti sono veri è una bomba (Ed uno schifo. Anzi, il termine non basterebbe)
#trumpresignnow #opdeatheaters
#bearStearns #opdeatheaters
#imwithher? Nyet :bondrewd_parrot:
Jeffrey Epstein - Wikipedia
#bearstearns #opdeatheaters #imwithher
Ya viene THE PURGE #opdeatheaters #politicsofcrime
#opdeatheaters #politicsofcrime
@richardbaeck the lack of evidence is the greatest sign, the fact that no victims or insiders are coming forward, which usually happens with these scandals. if you want a true pedophilia scandal to latch onto, try anonymous' #OpDeatheaters.
It's been debunked by Snopes, the NYT and the police.
first and loudest proponents are anti-dems, and it all started with a tweet from an alt-right account that got popular on 4chan.