#TIL. Es gibt einen offenen Standard für Mängelmelder: #Open311 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open311
The @bikeloudpdx hack night reporting work is in the process of growing a database to feed the #open311 portal or some #BikeLaneUprising-ish kind of map and complain tool, that we're going to have to host ourselves to be sure the data is there when somebody needs it to sue the state for #ODOTGTFOpdx, or city of #Portland for #PBOT's deference to cars and finger-pointing about how they can't do safety because politics and "please crack open that General Fund piggy bank for us 🤲 ". 📏 🤓 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🙃
#open311 #bikelaneuprising #odotgtfopdx #portland #pbot
i made a little tool to bulk download service request data from chicago’s open311 api.
for example, to download all the graffiti and pothole requests in 2022:
chicagorequests --start-date=2021-01-01 --end-date=2021-01-14 -t graffiti_removal -t pothole
@jugendhackt Ihr könnt auch gerne noch https://muell-weg.de einbinden, um illegale Müllentsorgung zu melden. Das greift u.A. #open311 APIs der Städte auf und nutzt offizielle Mailadressen als fallback 👍
@fr33domlover I'll give it a try 😉 https://socialhub.network/t/generic-issue-pattern-civic-participation-city-planing/588 #civicparticipation #issuetracking #open311
#civicparticipation #issuetracking #open311
So https://muell-weg.de can use #open311 protocol to query your cities issue management. Pretty nice work for #egov and #environment 👍