I had a great time at the Health Research Board conference in Dublin last month - here's my talk about our work with #GenOCEANIC using #openEHR to assist #Genomics diagnostics and shorten the #DiagnosticOdyssey for #RareDisease patients: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7P7vnomur8
#genoceanic #openEHR #genomics #diagnosticodyssey #RareDisease
@danielalomar I have a very rough conceptual take on how #Solid + #openEHR could work together in one of my drawers. I should finish my work on it and blog the results.
I just moved my account to #hachyderm 😍
So, here's a quick re-intro:
Professionally, I'm a healthcare informatics nerd and software dev [#java, #kotlin, #spring, #container, #k8s, #openEHR, #FHIR]
In general I like: tech, hikes, dogs, nature, subculture and much more.
I've been active in the fediverse since Apr 2017, but with different accounts.
#introduction #hachyderm #java #kotlin #spring #container #k8s #openEHR #fhir
RT @alastairallen@twitter.com
📢 The wait is finally over
The 2022 edition of #FHIR + #openEHR has arrived 😀
The fantastic design team @bettercareIT@twitter.com have even converted it into a short two-page summary if you don't have time to read it all.
#digitalhealth #digitaltransformation
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alastairallen/status/1533902972077359106
#fhir #openEHR #digitalhealth #digitaltransformation