Skeptical Science New Research #2 for 2023 is up.
We feature (by chance!) a dandy paper on newly accounted permafrost coauthored by Skeptical Science volunteer @labradorice in our #OpenAccessClimateScience highlights. Also workarounds for our missing international climate governance with teeth, a counterintuitive result on poleward energy transport, and more.
Overall, 144 works by ~1,052 collaborators, more than press offices can surface.
#climatescience #openaccessclimatescience
Uncertainty piling up. Uncertainty does not mean "hopefully get out of jail free" so more uncertainty is not better. More uncertainty is always more expensive, as a matter of impacts on planning and implementation.
'Understanding uncertainties in contemporary and future extreme wave events for broad-scale impact and adaptation planning'
#climatechangeadaptation #openaccessclimatescience
I could swear that this week's @SkepticalScience new research compilation is heavily #OpenAccess. One never knows until it's rendered, though. ~0000 PST will reveal all.
#AnthropogenicClimateChange #climatescience #openaccessclimatescience #openaccess
'Chemistry-driven changes strongly influence climate forcing from vegetation emissions'
Better understanding of physical science of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a changing climate is headed toward improving climate models, reducing parameterization and uncertainties.
For a better tomorrow.
Payload summarized: search for "Increasing emissions of BVOCs leads to a cascade..."