All 47 editors of #Taylor&Francis' _Critical Public Health_ just resigned to protest the journal's high #APC and launch a new, more affordable #OpenAccess journal.
T&F required an APC of £2700, "an unsustainable cost for…funders and…libraries in high income countries and an impossible cost for many in less advantaged countries."
See the #OpenAccessDirectory list of similar journal Declarations of Independence.
#openaccessdirectory #openaccess #APC #taylor
All 40+ editors of #Elsevier's _NeuroImage_ just resigned to protest the journal's high #APC and launch a new #OpenAccess journal.
"Elsevier…set the NeuroImage APC…at $3,450 USD. Compared against this, estimates of direct article costs at relevant journals are generally around $1,000 or lower.…It is wrong for publishers to make such high profits."
See the #OpenAccessDirectory list of these journal #DeclarationsOfIndependence.
#declarationsofindependence #openaccessdirectory #openaccess #APC #elsevier