Worldcoin’s Centralization Dilemma: 100 Wallets Still Dominate 93% of Total Supply - Since August 11, 2023, the number of unique digital wallets storing the iris-scann... - #openaiceosamaltman #cryptocurrency #concentration #distribution #addresses #exchanges #ownership #samaltman #worldcoin #altcoins #adoption #declines #slowdown #trading #wallets #prices #supply #values #wld
#wld #values #supply #prices #wallets #trading #slowdown #declines #adoption #altcoins #worldcoin #samaltman #ownership #exchanges #addresses #distribution #Concentration #cryptocurrency #openaiceosamaltman
Earlier this year, Altman described as ‘hopeless,’ India's attempts to build a ChatGPT-like AI tool.
#MukeshAmbani #AI #OpenAICEOSamAltman
#mukeshambani #ai #openaiceosamaltman
Bitcoin Life Insurance Startup Raises $19M in Seed Rounds Led by Sam Altman and Gradient Ventures - Meanwhile, a life insurance company that uses bitcoin, has accumulated $19 million... - #googlesgradientventures #lifeinsurancebitcoin #lifeinsurancecompany #generationalwealth #openaiceosamaltman #seedfundingrounds #btc-denominated #cryptocurrency #comprehensive #news
#news #comprehensive #cryptocurrency #btc #seedfundingrounds #openaiceosamaltman #generationalwealth #lifeinsurancecompany #lifeinsurancebitcoin #googlesgradientventures