@CatDragon @begrudging_recluse I assume I'm on a different continent from you, which makes it a bit easier/cheaper... But it's still a lot of effort and money.
I'm sorry about your grandson. It's a lot to manage, and I was "fortunate" enough for it to happen when I was able to manage it myself.
If you haven't yet, look up #WeAreNotWaiting and #OpenAPS (and know there are more variants than just that one).
Congratulations @shanselman!
Educating about #diabetes and advocating for #openaps like you did and do will probably help thousands of people to live longer and healthier!
Vor 7 (in Worten: sieben!) Jahren lief mein #OpenAPS Loop die erste von drei Nächten in Folge durch.
Ich hatte den CareLink Stick mit einem Gummiband an meiner Pumpe befestigt (die BT-Verbindung von dem Ding ist grottenschlecht) und ein 3m langes USB-Verlängerungskabel vom Stick bis zum Raspberry Pi gelegt. Ich hatte nämlich noch keine Ahnung davon, wie man sich WLAN einrichtet, also lief ich in der ersten Zeit wie ein Kettenhund herum.
I am a type 1 diabetic and I find the advertising for the OpenAPS project disturbing and disappointing. Specifically, I think maintaining a system reliant on outdated hardware - instead of advocating for new technologies - is pointless. Are they any stakeholders open to discussion?
@feonixrift So. Ahem. Autotune in #OpenAPS
Which I'm currently trying to debug.
And technically not jq. A combination of nodejs and bash scripts, calling each other, with jq strewn throughout.
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin Saskia, in der #WeAreNotWaiting Community auch bekannt als Frau Loop.
Ich nutze seit Mai 2016 einen #DIY #ClosedLoop, um damit meinen Typ-1-Diabetes #T1D einfacher zu handhaben. Seit Januar 2017 versuche ich - zumeist sehr erfolgreich - medizinisches Fachpersonal und andere Menschen mit #Diabetes für diese #DIYAPS zu begeistern.
Inzwischen gibt es endlich auch kommerzielle Systeme, die mE gerne noch reifen dürfen!
#loop #androidaps #qol #tir #openaps #DIYAPS #diabetes #t1d #closedloop #diy #wearenotwaiting #introduction
Interesting article about insulin timings: https://bionicwookiee.com/2022/12/04/insulin-timings-2022/ #AndroidAPS #iOSLoop #Apidra #Diabetes #Fiasp #Humalog #Looping #Lyumjev #NovoRapid #OpenAPS
#lyumjev #novorapid #openaps #androidaps #iosloop #apidra #diabetes #fiasp #humalog #Looping
RT @shanselman
Going to speak at Novo Nordisk in Copenhagen Denmark today about the history of #Diabetes #t1d and things like #dexcom and #openaps #loop #palmpilot #glucopilot #insulin4all #insulin https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRC4JNW7/
#insulin #insulin4all #glucopilot #palmpilot #loop #openaps #Dexcom #t1d #diabetes
Going to speak at Novo Nordisk in Copenhagen Denmark today about the history of #Diabetes #t1d and things like #dexcom and #openaps #loop #palmpilot #glucopilot #insulin4all #insulin VIDEO -> https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRC4JNW7/
#diabetes #t1d #dexcom #openaps #loop #palmpilot #glucopilot #insulin4all #insulin
@FreyaSu are you looping? I'm Looper #7 and was using a Medtronic 522, RileyLink and LoopKit for years. I recently switched to OmniPod Dash and LoopKit Dev. #openAps #WeAreNotWaiting https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-extremely-promising-state-of-diabetes-technology-in-2018
i am a #t1d (type-1 diabetic), and also a foss geek. today i discovered #OpenAPS and i am HERE FOR IT. open source insulin pump project “…designed to use existing approved medical devices, commodity hardware, and open source software.” https://openaps.org/what-is-openaps/ HELL YES BRING IT.
I also like this talk, about #OpenAPS, or using opensource to connect insulin pump, reader to regulate blood sugar levels of people with type 1 diabetes.