@oceane There's huge amounts of scope, especially since v3 of the #OpenBadges spec now aligns with the #VerifiableCredentials data model.
I've got an unfinished idea around social verifiable credentials here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PYqli7lBCi6h87dOI57uhTeaJeGuX0Scf0Bx1wCrDlY/edit#slide=id.geb248494fe_0_0
I also published a post on endorsements this morning, which could definitely have a $$$ angle https://dougbelshaw.com/blog/2023/09/08/the-role-of-endorsement-in-open-badges-and-open-recognition/
#openbadges #verifiablecredentials
I decided to do a bit more research and write up some more thoughts on #endorsement and how it works with #OpenBadges and #OpenRecognition
#endorsement #openbadges #openrecognition
Hello! We need more supporters for @weareopencoop podcast, free email courses, badge wiki, etc. Big love to those we have though! #openbadges #OER https://opencollective.com/weareopen
I saw an old email subject line saying that I still hadn't planted my #Hacktoberfest tree and had an idea for (an) alternative(s):
- receive #OpenBadges instead of tshirt or tree and weird badges
- join any time, no deadline
- run by people not wanting to lure you to their platform
- get badges for useful 'quests', not just x pull requests
- opt-in, works with any code forge
- repo maintainers need not know about each quest's specifics
#hacktoberfest #openbadges #freeidea
A quick blog post from the air on the way to The Badge Summit @ CU Boulder using a couple metaphors to explain differences between #microcredentials and #OpenRecognition
#microcredentials #openrecognition #openbadges #verifiablecredentials #digitalbadges
"We have become disconnected from our theoretical home." Julie Keane reflecting on coming home to the original vision of #openbadges #openrecognition and #connectedlearning https://medium.com/@julie.keane/open-recognition-coming-home-562946b5396a
#openbadges #openrecognition #connectedlearning
I woke up with an idea for a blog post this morning and sat down to write it. However, it grew legs and ran away with me and I ended up writing about...
#ambiguity #openbadges #openrecognition
Badges numeriques, l’autre nom pour les #openbadges ? https://eductive.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cahier-decouverte-sur-les-badges-numeriques-2023-05.pdf
"What is Open Recognition, anyway?"
https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629 by @dajb for @weareopencoop
#CommunityManagement #recognition #OpenRecognition #OpenBadges
Image CC BY-ND Bryan Mathers
#communitymanagement #recognition #openrecognition #openbadges
Digital wallets for verifiable credentials
#ThoughtShrapnel #VerifiableCredentials #mobile #OpenBadges #OpenRecognition
#thoughtshrapnel #verifiablecredentials #mobile #openbadges #openrecognition
Nicolas Thibault est ingénieur pédagogique au Pôle innovation du Cnam des Pays de la Loire. Depuis un peu plus d’un an, il pilote un #projet, dans le cadre d’un plan d’investissement d’avenir. L’objectif est d’accompagner la professionnalisation des alternants par la valorisation des #compétences transverses à l’aide d’#openbadges.
Source : Living Lab SOFA
#projet #competences #openbadges
The ‘value’ of a degree
#thoughtshrapnel #jobs #economy #academia #openbadges
A une époque où chefs d’#entreprise, #recruteurs sont friands de #compétences qui sortent des sentiers battus, de celles que l’on n’acquiert pas sur les bancs de l’école ni de l’université, les #openbadges tracent une autoroute à 6 voies, digne d’une « highway californienne », dans l’univers corseté des diplômes et certifications.
Source : Stratice
#reconnaissance #savoirfaire
#entreprise #recruteurs #competences #openbadges #reconnaissance #savoirfaire
Onderzoekend naar #openbadges, maar dat lijkt telkens meer 'closed badges' te worden, en dat lijkt me eeuwig zonde. Iemand ervaring? Tips? Verwijzingen?
Hi @dajb
Just a heads-up. This was posted to #SocialHub: An announcement to federate #OpenBadges in the @communecter project. I made mention of your expertise on the subject.
Embracing the Full Spectrum: towards a new era of inclusive, open recognition
#OpenRecognition #OpenBadges #KeepBadgesWeird #Microcredentials
#openrecognition #openbadges #keepbadgesweird #microcredentials
Reinventing the Fortress: using Open Recognition to enhance ‘standards’ and ‘rigour’
#OpenRecognition #OpenBadges #education #learning #microcredentials
#openrecognition #openbadges #education #learning #microcredentials
The old 'chicken and egg' problem about microcredentials kind of misses the point
Realigning Microcredentials with Open Badges