[Context: #OpenBazaar is caput, and here is its possible rebirth]
https://github.com/cpacia/obcrawler "
via: https://twitter.com/ChrisPacia/status/1346155234259824642
@tykayn oui, c'est basé sur le bitcoin et d'autres crypto-monnaies, le logiciel est open source , c'est décentralisé. "#openbazaar" https://openbazaar.org/
OpenBazaar and Haven app are closing. That is sad, the product worked well 😟
#openbazaar #haven
Once again, I have to ask.
Has anyone heard of #OpenBazaar?
You have Cryptos? Spend them there... or better, open a store that has stuff I want and I'll spend mine at your store. It's a free marketplace, for "Bob's" sake!
The beginnings of my new online store:
That's right, I'm only accepting cryptocurrencies.
Long Live the #Cryptosphere!
Long Live #OpenBazaar!
I've learned my lesson from trying to buy stuff on the decentralized marketplace of #OpenBazaar. Instead of buying the crypto that seems to have inherent value, #ETH, use the coin that people actually use, #BTC or #BCH.
@sage@fosstodon.org My heuristic for judging "decentralized applications" is that if they have their own coin, I don't touch them. That includes #StorJ, #Brave Browser and d.tube apparently. Allmost all of such projects can be easily built on top of #Lightning. #OpenBazaar seems to be one of the few that understood that.
#storj #brave #lightning #openbazaar
Ich suche beispielgebende Projekte von #DigitaleKirche zu diesen Tags:
weitere Vorschläge willkommen.
#declarationofdigitalindependence #webisours #scion #notracking #openbazaar #e2eencryption #pgp #forum #peertube #pixelfed #matrix #xmpp #mastodon #diaspora #friendica #manyverse #fediverse #opendata #publicmoneypubliccode #opendocument #opensource #foss #solid #schutzderprivatsphäre #digitaleselbstermächtigung #digitaleselbstbestimmung #digitalekirche
Ich mag die Idee mit dem #googleplusrefugee ja ...
(via https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/3a879c90b11a0136171c047d7b62795e)
#googleplusrefugee #openbazaar #fediverse #diaspora #googleplus
Successful BTC #chargeback using #OpenBazaar
Your "But customer protection!" argument is invalid.😎
ich habe gerade #openbazaar entdeckt. sieht interessant aus. hat von euch schon jemand damit gute oder schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht?
perhaps taking a look at OpenBazaar is of interest? It's a p2p bitcoin shop on IPFS... didn't try it but i'm tempted at some point for my music. it is not a membership platform tho.