RT WeAreOpenCoop: RT dajbelshaw: Today I'm at OpenBelgium presenting on behalf of WeAreOpenCoop on why open initiatives need open organisations
For those who can't be there, here's my slides: http://bit.ly/2uRSjFH
#openbelgium #open #coops #decentr
RT @dajbelshaw@twitter.com
Today I'm at @OpenBelgium@twitter.com presenting on behalf of @WeAreOpenCoop@twitter.com on why open initiatives need open organisations
For those who can't be there, here's my slides: http://bit.ly/2uRSjFH
#openbelgium #open #coops #decentralisation
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dajbelshaw/status/1235830228607369218
#openbelgium #open #coops #decentralisation