Give it a few tweaks, add a few applications, and a fresh splash of "paint" (themes) - the venerable Openbox window manager makes an excellent foundation for a custom lightweight and delightful Linux desktop!
@lukaso666 Ty jo super. #Openbox nemá chybu 👍 Ten pravý klik je nakažlivý :-)))
He probado a instalar openbox en Linux mint con KDE y creo que hay algún tipo de incompatibilidad. Pero carga el gestor pelao y sin escritorio. Tendré que buscar otro gestor mas ligero y compatible
#linux #kde #openbox #linuxmint
I changed openbox's frame window... The theme hop is so strong on me 🤭
I changed openbox's frame window... The theme hop is so hard on me 🤭
Happy to announce the release of Openbox mini
Kernel 6.4.8
New installer has been deployed
GDM is the display manager for this
all the updates done as to late 08/04/23
As with the standard pclinuxos releases there is no Nvidia this time. For those that either boot to a command prompt or black screen , use modesetting on the live cd menu
Size 1.5GB
#pclinuxos #openbox
@josephholsten @stu In the past I also used #Fluxbox and #Openbox, lightweight and highly configurable Window Manager and I really loved them #windowmanager #wm
#fluxbox #openbox #windowmanager #wm
Wanting to try #fluxbox. I realize that I can get it on many distributions but does anyone have a suggestion for a #fluxbox focused #linuxdistro ? Something like #bunsenlabs and #openbox
#fluxbox #linuxdistro #bunsenlabs #openbox
Yep, and #OpenBox isn't a bad choice either. If you've used #Raspbian's default desktop, then you've used OpenBox: as that's the window manager they use (part of the #LXDE desktop).
Another good one I've used in the past is #FluxBox -- one feature I like about it is that you can group windows from disparate applications into a single tabbed window by dragging the title with the right mouse button.
#openbox #raspbian #lxde #fluxbox
I am looking into Openbox centric distros. Which one should I start off with?
#openbox #linux #MaboxLinux #crunchbang #bunsenlabs
Reinstalled #Bunsenlabs. Ran tasksel to install the MATE desktop. Same freezy behavior in MATE, but everything, including WIFI, works fine in #OpenBox. So there may be something wrong with MATE desktop, not necessarily #Debian12.
#bunsenlabs #openbox #debian12
Memory Use (RAM)- A Brief (Biased?) Comparison of 7 Window Managers
#Linux #Debian #LiliDog #BearDog #Sway #Wayland #Technology #x11 #i3wm #suckless #Herbstluftwm #bspwm #openbox
#openbox #bspwm #herbstluftwm #Suckless #i3wm #x11 #Technology #wayland #sway #beardog #lilidog #Debian #Linux
@thelinuxcast on most of my recent #Linux installs I just have #XFCE. My wife has a few on her laptop as thay was the first computer we switches to Linux, this it has been our testing unit. I knownit has #KDE, XFCE, #AwesomeWM, #Openbox , #I3, #Gnome, and I think #Budgie
Edit: oh my little mango pi is rocking XFCE, #LXDE, and Openbox
#lxde #linux #xfce #kde #awesomewm #openbox #i3 #gnome #budgie
Aclaro que aun no esta terminado mi escritorio uwu y menos el panel que aun no se como ponerlo para que me guste.
#ViernesDeEscritorio #VoidLinux #OpenBox #tint2 #conky #pink
#viernesdeescritorio #voidlinux #openbox #tint2 #conky #pink