I'm not a royalist at all, but while there is so much talk about crowned heads: here's a look at the famous #burial grounds on the tiny island of #Iona using Open Burial Map, an interactive map based on OpenStreetMap and Wikidata.
The screenshot shows a #map of Iona with 2 blue dots indicating the burial grounds and details about Áed mac Cináeda, King of the Picts, who is buried there.
Of course, #OpenBurialMap also shows other cemetries in #Scotland and around the world.
#scotland #openburialmap #map #iona #burial
Gerade entdeckt: Open Burial Map, eine Interaktive Karte, die Infos und Bilder zu Friedhöfen und Gräbern auf OpenStreetMap und Wikidata zusammensucht und diese dann auf der Karte darstellt.
Hier ein Screenshot, wie das für den Melaten-Friedhof in Köln aussieht.
#Köln #Melaten #Friedhof #OpenBurialMap #OSM #OpenStreetMap #WikiData
#koln #Melaten #friedhof #openburialmap #osm #openstreetmap #wikidata
Now both Open Etymology Map and Open Burial Map are fully translated in french, german, italian and spanish!
👉 https://etymology.dsantini.it
👉 https://burial.dsantini.it
#OpenData #OSM #OpenStreetMap #LinkedData #Wikidata #Map #Etymology #Burial #OpenEtymologyMap #OpenBurialMap
#opendata #OSM #OpenStreetMap #linkeddata #wikidata #map #etymology #burial #openetymologymap #openburialmap