that's actually a public admission of my inability to run a successful business, honestly. Even with open source projects that have businesses behind them, doesn't always work. Not sure what will happen with the Faeborn Networks organization, but it will stay on GitHub, and it's available if I deem a project warranting an org, though right now, that isn't happening for a long while. I don't think it's an accident that I finally realized the death of the #OpenCAD project. I think I just delayed.
#OpenScad is good, but someone that isn't familiar with coding might be overwhelmed, and it isn't an easy place to start.
You also get #OpenCAD or #FreeCAD, but it is really dated and weird, I just can't get into it.
#TinkerCAD is fun and easy, but it was limiting for me when I started, but I already had 100s of hours in #SketchUp at the time.
There is also #SketchUp, but I don't think it belongs to #Google, and it is not as good anymore.
#openscad #opencad #freecad #tinkercad #sketchup #google #blender #fusion360 #thinkercad
#OpenCAD is a computer aided dispatch system for games such as Grant Theft Auto, though the eventuality is to make it able to handle community-developed plugins for other games. is the relevant URL. Z
I guess we'll know soon enough when it's discovered that #OpenCAD finally has a full rewrite. Still trying to find people interested in our subject matter.
One thing regarding learning to code by reading other people's code...what does the original author mean by a particular variable? In #OpenCAD, we have the $ArrLang variable. It's a string, so took me a while to figure out what it's shorthand for. Arrange language? That wouldn't make sense...
Discord's jumping today. If any #PHP people haven't seen this,the #OpenCAD community could use some hands on both the front and backends of the rewrite. if you want to join us. We have fun, and it's all good times here.
If anyone is interested in joining and/or contributing to the #OpenCAD Next gen project, invite is here.
WTF are we doing wrong, here? It's not like the #OpenCAD project is this enormous thing, and we certainly don't have shitloads of cash to throw at advertising (a computer aided dispatch system that's open source coming up in ads? That thought scares the shit out of me), but any PHP developers with time on their hands? Please? Please? Join us?
The #Opencad community is getting interesting...I wish I was more skilled are helping developers with accessibility. I can find a bug when I see it,but I don't know how to avoid said bug to begin with.
One of the best things about running one's own Mastodon instance? You can toot your own project horn as often as you like and won't get yelled at for spam. My goal is to get hashtags like #opencad, #opencadNextGen, and so on trending by the end of the week.
C# will still be a language for me, but getting #OpenCAD off the ground right now is a little more important than being able to send #IndieWeb #Webmentions from #dotnet.
#opencad #indieweb #webmentions #dotnet
I think I will finally this year be able to back up my claim to multiple programming languages. I think I will swap out C# as primary for PHP; because there are projects out there that aren't getting a hand, including the #OpenCAD project. Until we have more to work with, looks like I'm going to have to step in.
?The following is the next generation of the #OpenCAD (computer aided dispatch) system for roll playing games. We could use some fresh hands.
🎨 maybe you create art, photography, design, using software like #krita #gimp #ardour #blender, #darktable, #mypaint #inkscape
🎼 ...and music using #ardour #lmms #kxstudio #hydrogen #puredata or distros like #ubuntustudio
📝 ...or when writing stories your tools to go are #plume #libreoffice or #zim
📽 Maybe you make films and animation with #kdenlive #pitivi #synfig
🎮 ...or make games with #godot or #twine
🛠 You might be using tools like #robocut #openCAD #processing or #arduino to create your art or design of any form
🎪 or simply creating art using traditional mediums, doing work in performance art, circus arts or theatre, using any of the above or others to create or document your work.
are you an artist or creative in the most generic sense of the word, and use #FOSS / #FLOSS / #OpenSource software as part of your workflow?
consider tagging your works with
🐧 #artWithOpenSource tag and check out the tag for works by your fellow mastodon artists who also prefer Open Sourced alternatives.
(sibling tags of interest: #linuxartists #flossart #libreMonday and #creativeCommons )
#krita #gimp #ardour #blender #darktable #mypaint #inkscape #lmms #kxstudio #hydrogen #puredata #ubuntustudio #plume #libreoffice #zim #kdenlive #pitivi #synfig #godot #twine #robocut #opencad #processing #arduino #foss #floss #opensource #artwithopensource #linuxartists #flossart #libremonday #CreativeCommons #MastoArt #photography #CreativeToots #gamedev #art