I love working in #openSource.
I love the process of engaging with others to identify the best solutions for things whether they agree with me or not.
Similarly I love being able to have a voice in things that I wouldn't necessarily have on a closed project.
Anything that hampers #openCollaboration #openCommunication is probably bad for open source.
Encourage lots of voices to contribute ... You don't have to please everyone, and you try not to take it personally if someone disagrees with you.
#opensource #opencollaboration #OpenCommunication
I love working in open source.
I love the process of engaging with others to identify the best solutions for things whether they agree with me or not.
Similarly I love being able to have a voice in things that I wouldn't necessarily have on a closed project.
Anything that hampers #openCollaboration #openCommunication is probably bad for open source.
Encourage lots of voices to contribute ... You don't have to please everyone, and you try not to take it personally if someone disagrees with you.
#opencollaboration #OpenCommunication
#OpenStreetMap is meanwhile very detailed (except #shop POIs), but how about a #OpenUniverseMap ? #Marble offers different layers for #Earth 🌎 , #Moon 🌙 , #Mars 🔴 https://marble.kde.org/features.php. But with #OpenCollaboration they could be much more #precise 🔬 https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapping_the_Moon
#OpenStreetMap #shop #openuniversemap #marble #earth #moon #mars #opencollaboration #precise
You can find us at @openuk_uk's #SOOCon23 #stateofopencon today and tomorrow!
Come talk to us about all things #openscience #openresearch #opensource #opencollaboration! 😎
#soocon23 #stateofopencon #openscience #openresearch #opensource #opencollaboration
One of the benefits of #Mastodon being #OpenSource: The EU can help make it more secure.
"Awards of up to EUR 5000 are available for finding security vulnerabilities in LibreOffice, LEOS, Mastodon, Odoo and CryptPad, open source solutions used by public services across the European Union. There is a 20% bonus for providing a code fix for the bugs they discover."
#EU #OpenCollaboration
#mastodon #opensource #eu #opencollaboration
Reminder that the #Brainhack community-wide reflection & planning meeting is happening *later today* at 21:30 UTC! Please join us in charting a path forward ⭐
DM for Zoom link
#Neuroscience #OpenScience #OpenCollaboration
#brainhack #neuroscience #openscience #opencollaboration
The finish line is in sight for #BrainhackGlobal 2022! 🎉
But we’re not done.
In honor of our 10 year anniversary, we’d love as many community members as possible to join us in an open conversation to shape the future of Brainhack 🌍
Come discuss:
✅what worked well this year
❌what can be improved,
✅who's ready to help make BHG 2023 a success!
When: Wed 14/12/22 @ 21:30 UTC
Where: Zoom (DM for the link)
📣 Spread the word #Neuroscience #OpenScience #OpenCollaboration
#brainhackglobal #neuroscience #openscience #opencollaboration
RT @Federation_OSM@twitter.com
Fédération GNF on going at @IACParis2022@twitter.com :
#Opencollaboration & #Opensource as key enablers to accelerate innovations & distruption in the space industry.
@LDBenyayer@twitter.com, @MyriamAyass@twitter.com @CERN@twitter.com, @alcoudry@twitter.com @Federation_OSM@twitter.com, @phkrief@twitter.com @eclipseFdn@twitter.com, @__bjean__@twitter.com @CNES@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Federation_OSM/status/1572920010691186690
#opensource #opencollaboration
RT @Federation_OSM@twitter.com
Fédération GNF on going at @IACParis2022@twitter.com :
#Opencollaboration & #Opensource as key enablers to accelerate innovations & distruption in the space industry.
@LDBenyayer@twitter.com, @MyriamAyass@twitter.com @CERN@twitter.com, @alcoudry@twitter.com @Federation_OSM@twitter.com, @phkrief@twitter.com @eclipseFdn@twitter.com, @__bjean__@twitter.com @CNES@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Federation_OSM/status/1572920010691186690
#opensource #opencollaboration
Komende donderdagmiddag: een interactieve meetup over praktijkvoorbeelden van open samenwerken aan de digitale overheid. https://www.meetup.com/Code-For-NL/events/277957849/ #opencollaboration #opensourcedesign
#opencollaboration #opensourcedesign
RT @kjstol
The 16th edition of OpenSym will take place on 26-27 August. Join us in this dedicated event on "open anything" research! Non-author reg. fees only EUR 25! Info: http://opensym.org @gregoriorobles @xiaofeng_wang @vale_lenarduzzi @acapiluppi #opensource #opencollaboration
#opencollaboration #OpenSource