Spent the better part of the week reading up on, and trying to catch up with, #NETCONF! Completely woozy and super confused, but I'm getting there, albeit slowly ... I'm old, after all.
Also learned about #OpenConfig and #gNMI this week so now I'm down to #sysrepo or #clixon as the base for our new venture -- which when we get fired up on all cylinders, will be almost 10 ppl implementing both NETCONF and OpenConf with a WebUI completely #opensource
This is going to be one HECK of a ride 😄
#netconf #openconfig #gnmi #sysrepo #clixon #opensource
This is *after* I get over the horrible non-typesafe mess that is Ansible and jinja templates. It's slow, it crashes with random runtime errors due to type mismatches and missing data, and it's just *ugly*.
Trying to convince myself that writing something in Go with #yang and #openconfig wouldn't be faster and less painful.
Fortunately (?) Arista doesn't seem to have a DHCP server yang model.
But seriously, any suggestions on tools?