The 3 pillars of present centralization and hierarchy, (patriarchy, capitalism and colonialism) are rarely acknowledged in the DAOs or blockchain spheres, where nothing is done to address the basic structural realities.
#feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty #radicaltech #opencoop #platformcoop #commons #dlt #distributedledger #blockchain #DAO #decentralized #distributed #P2P #distributedcoop #cyberpunk #radicaldemocracy #CAT #communityalgorithmictrust
#communityalgorithmictrust #cat #radicaldemocracy #cyberpunk #distributedcoop #p2p #distributed #decentralized #dao #blockchain #distributedledger #dlt #commons #platformcoop #opencoop #radicaltech #valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics
Feminist Economics is one of the core principles on which DisCOs are based. Our economy should recognise the value of care and unpaid work. We need to view vulnerability as a fact of life.
#DisCOElements #feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty #radicaltech #opencoop #platformcoop #commons #dlt #distributedledger #blockchain #DAO #decentralized #distributed #P2P #distributedcoop #cyberpunk #radicaldemocracy #CAT #communityalgorithmictrust
#communityalgorithmictrust #cat #radicaldemocracy #cyberpunk #distributedcoop #p2p #distributed #decentralized #dao #blockchain #distributedledger #dlt #commons #platformcoop #opencoop #radicaltech #valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics #DisCOElements
#DisCOElements #feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty #radicaltech #opencoop #platformcoop #commons #dlt #distributedledger #blockchain #DAO #decentralized #distributed #P2P #distributedcoop #cyberpunk #radicaldemocracy #CAT #communityalgorithmictrust
#communityalgorithmictrust #cat #radicaldemocracy #cyberpunk #distributedcoop #p2p #distributed #decentralized #dao #blockchain #distributedledger #dlt #commons #platformcoop #opencoop #radicaltech #valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics #DisCOElements
Less than a week left for the launch of the DisCO Elements, a deep dive into some of DisCO's most outstanding characteristics, illustrated in all its beautiful idiosyncrasy by the first wave of DisCO LABS!
#feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty #radicaltech #opencoop #platformcoop #commons #dlt #distributedledger #blockchain #DAO #decentralized #distributed #P2P #distributedcoop #cyberpunk #radicaldemocracy #CAT #communityalgorithmictrust
#communityalgorithmictrust #cat #radicaldemocracy #cyberpunk #distributedcoop #p2p #distributed #decentralized #dao #blockchain #distributedledger #dlt #commons #platformcoop #opencoop #radicaltech #valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics
NOV 7-9, 2019
Presented by
Please RT #opencoop
#Nextcloud made it into today's Times!
“If you want a world that isn’t run by very large, rich corporations, you may not want them hosting your data.” Wise words from @webarchcoop @outlandish @casacowork @_Happy_Dev_ @minds in today’s Times #opencoop
@smith_ai Thanks. Faircoin was definitely on my mind. To be honest, though, I've been a bit lost on the progress. The session at #opencoop was pretty short on details. And lately when I've gone to the website it doesn't load.
What do I need to do to be able to post here and have automagically posted on the bird site? Someone at the #opencoop conference in London mentioned it.
Centralized systems have the feature of being able to set at least some base-level standards.
The impulse toward ever more decentralizing infrastructure come with the danger of enabling ever more impenetrable clusters of power. #opencoop
At #opencoop I keep thinking of @JulietSchor's evidence at the first #platformcoop conf that values-based sharing platforms can be more discriminatory and exclusive than corporate monopolies.
#opencoop friends, with all this talk of decentralization, some of you might be interested in this draft I'm working on about why it never seems to persist. I'd be grateful for any feedback:
This post simultaneously appears on #SocialCoop and Twitter via Twidere. #opencoop
We have @minds @mayel from #socialcoop and Claire Tolan at #OpenCoop ! Q: how can these and other platforms interoperate between each other?
Really excited to learn about the French #opensource #platformcoop project @CoopCycle at #opencoop.
#opensource #platformcoop #opencoop
It is with great thanks to #OpenCoop that I shall be attending #open2018
Next... Open Space proposal.
Bursaries for #UK #worker #coop members to attend the #opencoop conference in 2018.