Decentralisation is the only way forward, be it more distributed or less. Even though distributed architectures would have my preference, software usually requires maintenance, and not anybody wants to run a server.
Sharing the cost of such work can be done in a cooperativised model, like @SocialCoop or #CommonsCloud - it can be #OpenCooperativism or #PlatformCooperativism
#commonscloud #opencooperativism #platformcooperativism
If I Only Had a Heart: A DisCO Manifesto
Value Sovereignty, Care Work, Commons and Distributed Cooperative Organizations
#p2p #coops #opencooperativism
Wow, lots of cool work being done. Another #revitalization #renewal project worth learning from, this time in Spain. (Once again, @richdecibels plays a role.)
#guerillatranslation #opencooperativism #renewal #revitalization