Another video from Roll of Law explains why the new #ORCLicense is worse than the #OGL. I agree with his points. I look forward to his alternative ELF license. #OpenDnD #RPG #RPGs #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#orclicense #ogl #opendnd #rpg #rpgs #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I highly recommend watching Roll of Law’s latest video explaining the new #ORCLicense. Basically you give all of your work away if you use it. Watch all of the video, but he makes that point at 24:48. It also sounds like there is no way you should use this without engaging a lawyer. This seems like a big step back from just redrafting the #OGL as being irrevocable. #OpenDnD #RPG RPGs #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#orclicense #ogl #opendnd #rpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I highly recommend watching Roll of Law’s latest video explaining the new #ORCLicense. Basically you give all of you work away if you use it. Watch all of the video, but he makes that point at 24:48. #OGL #OpenDnD #RPG RPGs #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#orclicense #ogl #opendnd #rpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
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#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #osr #opendnd #dungeonsAndDragons
I take a look at the Tales of the Valiant character sheet to see what it reveals about TotV's game design..
Check out these D&D third party new releases! Please subscribe and share if you can.
#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #opendnd #osr
I picked up the Old School Essentials boxed sets, and I’m kind of disappointed in the declared open content. Example, the only thing declared open content in the Advanced Players Guide is a list of secondary skills. Really, they couldn’t open elves or dwarves? They are some secret proprietary race?
It’s a fine enough system, but if I want to publish old school adventures I’ll look elsewhere. Or more likely use the 5e CC and call it good.
#ttrpg #osr #ose #ogl #opengaming #NSR #DnD #opendnd
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#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #opendnd #everydayheroes #totalrecall
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Check out this week's D&D third party new releases! Please subscribe and share if you can.
#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #opendnd
Jacob arrives on the scene with an owl-rageous problem. Will the buccaneers give a hoot about this new predicament? Will they take Jacob under their wing? Check out episode 151 of Roll Britannia - itll make your head spin! #DnD #Podcast #DungeonsandDragons #opendnd #openrpg
#DnD #podcast #dungeonsAndDragons #opendnd #openrpg
Derek is finding this new world a tough nut to crack. Would they be completely crackers to keep going? Whos going to crack under the pressure? Youll be cracking up listening to episode 151 of Roll Britannia! #DnD #Podcast #DnD5e #DungeonsandDragons #Comedy #opendnd #openrpg
#DnD #podcast #dnd5e #dungeonsAndDragons #comedy #opendnd #openrpg
Jeff never likes to interrupt a good squabble. Are the buccaneers about to enter into a war of more than just words? Is it rude to barge in on someone elses barney? Its time for a good ol dust up in ep.151 of Roll Britannia! #DnD #Podcast #DungeonsandDragons #opendnd #openrpg
#DnD #podcast #dungeonsAndDragons #opendnd #openrpg
Milo discovers that its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fart in the dog. Can you teach a smelly dog new tricks? Is he as fart as a butchers dog? Hold your noses, its time for ep151 of Roll Britannia! #DnD #Podcast #DungeonsandDragons #opendnd #openrpg
#DnD #podcast #dungeonsAndDragons #opendnd #openrpg
Keth certainly needs no encouragement when it comes to drinking. Will Derek push Jeff too far this time? Will the buccaneers be able to hang in there? Dont give up on us now - listen in to episode 150 of Roll Britannia! #DnD #Podcast #DnD5e #DungeonsandDragons #Comedy #opendnd
#DnD #podcast #dnd5e #dungeonsAndDragons #comedy #opendnd
Keths looking a little flushed as he tries to bomb the bowl in peace. Will Jeff punish more than just the porcelain once he finds out? Is the mission about to go into the crapper? Youll find out more than just who number two works for in episode 150! #DnD #Podcast #opendnd
Jeff releases a kraken all of his own. Does that make it a captains log? Has Keth had enough of all of Jeffs crap? Time to drop trou and listen in to episode 150 of Roll Britannia! Its not shit, we promise. #DnD #Podcast #DungeonsandDragons #opendnd
#DnD #podcast #dungeonsAndDragons #opendnd
Check out this week's D&D third party new releases! Please subscribe and share if you can.
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Check out this week's D&D third party new releases! Please subscribe and share if you can.
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