Rodion Borisov · @vintprox
108 followers · 1495 posts · Server

💅 Better fonts for @Minetest 2023!

The guide was updated to accomodate more players to setup the type in Minetest to make reading more accessible to them. Don't forget about stylish and basic requirements! All downloads and instructions are included.

:boost_req: Boost and share with your fellows. Shout-out to the creators of and fonts that let this game look better!

#unicode #minetest #pixeloid #opendyslexic

Last updated 1 year ago

Cyclops · @cyclops
142 followers · 896 posts · Server

@emerybrooks I'm not a publisher, I am a hobbiest writer, so perhaps I don't have a stake in this discussion, but... provide some very wonderful things for the community.

My ex-wife in her dying years was too weak to hold up a book and didn't have the dexterity (I don't want to get into her health issues though) to hold a book and turn pages. She could prop a tablet on her lap when she would sit up in bed to eat and read.

I had a girlfriend once who was and I'm still good friends with her. If she doesn't have an ebook or other electronic form she just can't read it. Yes, there are audio books but that can be exceptionally expensive for small publishers / authors.

There's also me, myself, I'm -- the only 2 ways I can comfortably read a text is or with the font on a / similar / tablet. For me, yes I can see the words but it is such a cognitive load to read a paperback or hardcover that I just won't do it, it isn't worth it.

So yes, you are of course worried about of -- I agree with you. It is a HUGE issue. However, there are legal remedies for someone using your name without consent, passing things off / impersonating you. I know that legal remedy isn't available for everyone but -- it is there. Please don't advocate for those who have difficulty reading paper books to lose the ability to do so when there are other options.

Those with disabilities are marginalized enough, if you really want to get into this issue check out the hashtags and talk to the communities that it would be impacting. Please, please, understand that many of these people just don't experience the world the way the average person does. Consider that equipment for disabled people is exceedingly expensive. For example, a terminal for a person costs almost $3000! So when there is such an easy way to get the text into the hands of a blind person ready for a screen reader or other device to read it for them, please don't advocate take it away.

#ebooks #disabled #blind #dyslexic #audiobook #opendyslexic #kindle #ereader #plagiarism #ai #braille #visuallyimpaired

Last updated 1 year ago

Armin Schudey · @herr_schu
248 followers · 1365 posts · Server

@lerothas wenn du Schriftarten einfügen kannst, macht Sinn:


Last updated 1 year ago

Poslovitch · @Poslovitch
46 followers · 219 posts · Server

@Tusky We added to the tool, because readers asked us to be able to generate ebooks that made use of that font.

So (as I'm not dyslexic myself), I guess it's useful! 🙂

#opendyslexic #wsexport #Wikisource

Last updated 1 year ago

josu igoa errandonea · @josuigoa
74 followers · 205 posts · Server

Dislexikoei irakurketa errazteko espres prestatutako letra-tipoa da
Irakurri dudanagatik, nahiko eraginkorra omen da, baino ez dut beharko lukeen inor ezagutzen. Zuek baduzue nori eskeini?


Last updated 1 year ago

Creo que lo que más me gusta de la APP de es que puedas poner como fuente predeterminada .

No sabéis lo fan que soy de esta tipografía.

#icecube #opendyslexic

Last updated 1 year ago

· @maupao
655 followers · 4335 posts · Server
RevK :verified_r: · @revk
1848 followers · 5278 posts · Server

I did not know kindle had font!


Last updated 1 year ago

Abbie · @antijingoist
270 followers · 4856 posts · Server

Minor mistake made:

Rebuilding the x120e as a spare if the Macbook Air dies.

Got a kickass 1TB SSD on sale from amazon for $50. Put it in the x120e and put on it. I found some extra RAM for it and now it's @ 8GB. I think I sold my 16GB.

All it needs is a battery.

HaikuOS is fast. It's even faster on an SSD. It could be usable as a replacement for what I'm doing on the MacBook Air, after scaling it back some. mastodon app? yep, minus listing it in the appstore. , yea, lets port it to , finally.

But I thought HaikuOS had a fontforge port... and it does, kinda? It's command-line only. Ooops. I either learn command-line fontforge, or port fontforge to HaikuOS. 😵‍💫

#fontforge #opendyslexic #hai #haikuos

Last updated 1 year ago

Abbie · @antijingoist
270 followers · 4828 posts · Server

The kids have been sick
It has been everything
Updates when I can

#haiku #parenting #opendyslexic #hai

Last updated 1 year ago

Родион Борисов · @vint
13 followers · 376 posts · Server

Жду не дождусь, чтобы выпустили шрифт . Это кириллический шрифт с фокусом на скорости обработки текста. Я бы потестил.

Он очень напоминает мне латинский шрифт в дизайне букв, который я успешно использую в нескольких программах, чтобы вскользь ловить поступающую информацию - особенно сообщения в чате. Первичная фиксация далась не просто, но как привык, так чтение пошло очень быстро.

По ЛексияД я лишь могу найти несколько бумаг и видео: :blobcatbusiness: Рекомендую посмотреть, если вам интересно как исследования проводятся и что намекает на положительные результаты замены шрифтов на LexiaD для людей с дислексией и без.

Когда пересматриваю, очень уж ЛексияД напоминает мне Comic Sans: и расстоянием между буквами, и предсказуемостью. Жаль только, что когда начинаешь чуточку размывать или уменьшать, теряется эта читаемость, чего я не испытываю с OD. На последней картинке привожу сравнение Лексии и ОД, чтобы вы увидели разницу. @rf

#lexiad #opendyslexic

Last updated 1 year ago

Rodion Borisov · @vintprox
50 followers · 674 posts · Server

I've published a guide on how to set up OpenDyslexic font in @Minetest! :rickhey:

gives off the playfulness and an intent to make reading easy for various people, including dyslectics.


Last updated 1 year ago

HeartsBunny · @Moondancer0X
24 followers · 472 posts · Server

I really need to use this account more. So I guess I'll use it to do one of my favorite things! Complain!
While I'm not by any means diagnosed or even remotely certain, I've come to suspect I might have at the very least, mild .

So I've been looking into that as well as ways to make reading easier. ATM I have the font implemented in Firefox and so far I'm experiencing a greater ease when it comes to reading.


#dyslexia #opendyslexic

Last updated 1 year ago

David Cantrell 🏏 · @DrHyde
127 followers · 433 posts · Server

Very pleased to see support for the and typefaces in the latest client. Hurrah!

#opendyslexic #hyperlegible #icecubes #accessibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Abbie · @antijingoist
235 followers · 3847 posts · Server

not only supports but also supports any damn font you have installed on your iOS device.
I've wanted a client that did that for so damn long.
It's not hard to do.
They did it and no one else did.
I can Comic Sans this shit up.
I have to remind myself I'm working on my own client. :D

#opendyslexic #icecubes

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
402 followers · 10314 posts · Server

@jimmygolitely there's also : which doesn't come with a price tag.
@hildabast @tombofnull


Last updated 2 years ago

¡Abbie! · @abbiegonzalez
25 followers · 101 posts · Server

New version of in the App Store.

I wanted it to have an extension but there’s CORS issues I haven’t been able to wrap my head around. (That seem to only affect Safari 😵‍💫)

It has a 2-star review because people keep expecting it to override system fonts and com’on y’all, this is iOS it’s not allowed 😭😭😭


Last updated 2 years ago

Abbie · @antijingoist
203 followers · 2885 posts · Server

New version of in the App Store.

I wanted it to have an extension but there’s CORS issues I haven’t been able to wrap my head around. (That seem to only affect Safari 😵‍💫)

It has a 2-star review because people keep expecting it to override system fonts and com’on y’all, this is iOS it’s not allowed 😭😭😭


Last updated 2 years ago

Abbie · @antijingoist
187 followers · 2814 posts · Server

For , and other projects (accessibility, games and others), I'll spam updates in my .

#discord #opendyslexic

Last updated 2 years ago

Abbie · @antijingoist
185 followers · 2811 posts · Server

I've been here for way too long and never posted a pinned . At least in a semi-professional sense.

I'm a freelance developer in C# and full stack web development (and other languages). I created and maintain , a that helps with readability that is used by companies and people worldwide.

I had a TedX talk about it.

I have other software projects that you can find at .

I keep a windows computer in my iMac G3 case.

My hobbies have included e-ink displays with my children, making a laptop in a PowerBook G3 with a Raspberry Pi with a high resolution display. And an operating system.

Right now, I maintain OpenDyslexic and am working on a client.

#mastodon #typeface #opendyslexic #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago