in response to the harm we see, may we keep eyes and hearts open.
may we know who, what, and why we serve.
#love #embodiment #empathy #FierceCompassion #justice #service #work #OpenEyes #OpenHeart #path #practice #EngagedBuddhism #JinpaLhaga
#love #Embodiment #empathy #fiercecompassion #justice #service #work #openeyes #openheart #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga
How to say, “Keep and eye on” in Henbrew!
Check out all my resources and free guide kickstarting your Hebrew speaking at (link is in the bio as well)
#hebrewbyinbal #keepaneye #eyeonyou #eyesontheprize #eyeswideopen #hebrewphrase #hebrewphraseoftheday #idioms #hebrewidiom #hebrewidioms #hebrewsentences #speakhebrew #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #hebrewforbegginers #hebrew #jewish #eyes #eyeson #watchingyou #watchingit #ayeen #eyewideopen #openeyes #eyes
#hebrewbyinbal #keepaneye #eyeonyou #eyesontheprize #eyeswideopen #hebrewphrase #hebrewphraseoftheday #idioms #hebrewidiom #hebrewidioms #hebrewsentences #speakhebrew #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #hebrewforbegginers #hebrew #jewish #eyes #eyeson #watchingyou #watchingit #ayeen #eyewideopen #openeyes
It would appear (expectedly) that the "leaders" of the world are continuing to do everything they can to keep "growth" economy alive.
A reminder, it's up to the people to lose faith in it enough that it can finally die.
Rally each other, do not be afraid of alternatives.
Seek them out.
People will suffer along the way, but the current paradigm is responsible for such collossal damage and death that almost nothing can compare - it is not a valid argument imho.