Europe persists with ‘open finance’ despite criticism from citizens and despite major cybersecurity risks | European financial data access and payments package
#openfinance #dataprotection #financialhumanrights #financieleprivacy
#financieleprivacy #financialhumanrights #dataprotection #openfinance
Is #openfinance een nieuwe informatiebron voor toezichthouders @DNB_NL en @AutoriteitFM - in aanvulling op de #microdata van @statistiekcbs ? | #AVG #gegevensbescherming
#gegevensbescherming #avg #microdata #openfinance
#Identiteitsfraude wordt bevorderd door de excessieve hoeveelheid persoonsgegevens die overal rondzwerven, zoals in de witwasbestrijding | proefschrift N.S. van der Meulen nog steeds actueel
#Wwft #AML #CFT #gegevensbescherming #openfinance
#openfinance #gegevensbescherming #CFT #aml #Wwft #identiteitsfraude
FD: "Big tech houdt toch onbeperkt toegang tot bankrekeningen Europese burgers" #openfinance = naar hartelust #datagraaien
Open Finance leidt tot meer datagraaien en meer datalekken - @privacyfirst #openfinance
Press release 📑 #Financial Data and Payments: EU Proposal Boosts Consumer Choice and #DataSharing
"These rules new have the potential to guarantee safe and seamless #payments for almost 500 million Europeans."
➡️ #DigitalFinanceEU #OpenFinance
#financial #datasharing #payments #DigitalFinanceEU #openfinance
💳 Modernising payment services and opening financial services data: new opportunities for consumers and businesses
📸 & 📽️:!XypRVx
Data and data-driven innovation offer great opportunities in the financial sector.
More data sharing, under clear EU rules, would allow people to access products & services that:
📌suit their specific needs
📌offer more choice
📌boost product innovation
Today @EU_Commission presents measures to ensure that consumers and businesses can benefit from more innovative payment & financial service, whilst being confident about their safety, transparency and security. #openfinance #DigitalFinanceEU
#openfinance #DigitalFinanceEU
BIS publishes blueprint for the future monetary and financial system | digital finance Bank for International Settlements – BIS #openfinance
Toy for the techies or good for society?
BIS publishes blueprint for the future monetary and financial system | digital finance @BIS_org #openfinance
BIS: “combining money, assets and information on a common programmable platform” | digital finance #openfinance #CBDC @BIS_org
Dit is een #PSD2 mislukking #rekeninginformatiedienst #openfinance
#openfinance #rekeninginformatiedienst #psd2
Wat gaat Nederland met ‘open finance’ doen? #openfinance #PSD2 #cybersecurity
Mijn standpunt: EU is niet rijp voor delen financiële persoonsgegevens @financien
#cybersecurity #psd2 #openfinance
In a digital ecosystem where #GDPR is not adequately enforced and improper behaviour is not corrected,
there is no room for #openfinance
This is how #openfinance is maeketed: "Individuals have concerns about sharing data, but without access to personal information data-intensive fintechs cannot prosper, nor consumers benefit from their services"
One of the most dangerous EU initiatives for the #dataprotection of Europeans: #openfinance
Read Vezzoso:
@apple Banks and payment service providers are becoming #adtech companies #openfinance #openbanking
#openbanking #openfinance #adtech
Huiveringwekkend: “In de komende twee jaar zal al het financiële in ons leven worden gedeeld” | #openfinance , #AVG