Jetzt patchen! Angreifer platzieren Backdoors auf #Openfire-Servern | Security #Patchday #Exploit
More than 3,000 #Openfire servers exposed to attacks using a new exploit #cybersecurity #infosec @securityaffairs
#infosec #cybersecurity #openfire
@blake @matty @pixelfed
#XMPP is still very active, I'm an admin on our own servers at I run a system called #OpenFire that can communicate with other servers around the world just like ActivityPub.
I've not investigated Matrix yet. Is it open source? Is it ran by multiple servers and multiple admins? Does it require an email and/or email address? I am glad to hear it's an encrypted system.
📢 Pourquoi le logiciel #LIBRE est il indispensable à votre liberté ?
Pourquoi les projets #Openfire, #Jitsi Padé sont-ils devenus si importants aujourd’hui ?
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@quinn64 There is a shared block-list service supported by #prosody #ejabberd #openfire also make sure to enable mod_moderation to be able to retract messages. Join us at for more ideas how to improve #XMPP #Jabber
#jabber #xmpp #openfire #ejabberd #prosody
#geekerware #tech #opensource #free #libre #suisse
🎂Free-Solutions Sàrl célèbre 10 ans de service gratuit 24/24 de #visioconférences et de chat.
En 2013, nous avons commencé avec Délé Olájídé l’implémentation des technologies #webRTC avec #openfire #XMPP server. Free-Solutions Sàrl démarre le premier site de vidconf gratuit et illimité via #Chrome pour tester et faire évoluer les logiciels.
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What is this #OpenFire crap? It sounds kind of positive. What about just shooting someone?
Is this some stupid police lingo? or stupid reporting lingo?
Either way its just stupid.
The killer at the school in KY also opened fire. I don't get it.
EDIT: Media marked as sensitive.
#Queen - Flash (Official Video) #SolarEclipse #OhDearGod #OpenFire #GordonsAlive #HellSave
#queen #solareclipse #ohdeargod #openfire #gordonsalive #hellsave
#OpenFire: Das tödlichste Jahr für Palästinenser unter israelischer Besatzung | heise online
@blake #xmpp is a solid and reliable protocol. FYI - data communicated in XML. That goes with all of its typical pros and cons. #openfire is a great XMPP Server and has a great community. I used Openfire in a commercial project and even contributed fixes and a couple of features. (Areas of #hazelcast and rest api) The framework made it easy to create a custom extension for event logging into #kafka .
#xmpp #openfire #hazelcast #kafka
@kworker a few months ago, I installed #OpenFire , an #XMPP server and with the right app, is an encrypted chat system that can be connected to ANY other Jabber server like the #fedivrse . Does anyone use it? Nope, because they don't understand those systems are not secure. 😭😭😭
"Put another log on the fire for me
I've made some breakfast and coffee
I look out my window what do I see
A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me
All the nightmares came today
And it looks as though they're here to stay"
~ ★
#Cat #CatsOfMastodon #DavidBowie #SongLyrics #OpenFire #Shah #AllTheNightmaresCameToday
#cat #catsofmastodon #davidbowie #songlyrics #openfire #shah #allthenightmarescametoday
"Put another log on the fire for me
I've made some breakfast and coffee
I look out my window what do I see
A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me
All the nightmares came today
And it looks as though they're here to stay"
~ ★
#Cat #CatsOfMastodon #DavidBowie #SongLyrics #OpenFire #Shah #AllTheNightmaresCameToday
#cat #catsofmastodon #davidbowie #songlyrics #openfire #shah #allthenightmarescametoday
On a cold rainy night ght like this, it's hard to beat! Sharing for those without; prop your phone so you can warm both hands for maximum effect!
Sorry, although it is December, I have no #chestnuts to roast on this #openfire
#chestnuts #openfire #Logfire #realfire #fireplace #Winternights