Just saw #openheimer movie. I believe that historical movies like that are waay cooler than superhero Marvel/DC movies.
I watched #Openheimer today, it was not bad I liked it, especially the cinemography. But somehow I was expecting a lot of nerdy physics science like in the Martian, but it was mostly politics.
Chissà se nel 2070 al cinema uscirà un film su come l'intelligenza artificiale ha messo a rischio il mondo: OpenAI-mer
#openheimer #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #unocinema #cinema
Acabo de ver #Openheimer y me ha parecido extraordinaria.
Me ha llamado la atención que para los EEUU apoyar a la República Española hasta sido una vergüenza, pero que nadie se avergüenza del apoyo a un genocida
@miyaatada I quote from this article on #openheimer film "How can the French dare to own 85% of the uranium industry in Niger, while 42% of the country lives below the poverty line? This is the reality that the West wishes for Niger to stay imprisoned in.." #niger Insightful!
Aste honetan #Openheimer filma ikusi eta bertan pertsonaiek sufritzen duten errepresio antikomunista eta dilema moral izugarriekin zergatik ez dudan enpatizatu pentsatzen, Keijo Nakazawa-ren #Hiroshima [Hadashi no Gen] komiki autobiografiko latza irakurri izanaren ondorio dela ondorioztatu dut.
Ez dut inoiz komiki batekin horrenbeste negar egin. Hirugarren saiakeran amaitu nuen.
[Komikia animera eramana, kontuz! edukia oso gogorra da: https://youtu.be/13aATKh-Fv0 ]
#irakurketak #GerrarikEz
#openheimer #hiroshima #irakurketak #GerrarikEZ
We must never forget that the first nuclear attack was against a civilian population. Let us not fall on the speech of the perpetrators. Let's keep in our minds the atrocities that human beings are capable of commit in war. #hiroshima #HiroshimaDay #nuke #nuclear #openheimer
#hiroshima #hiroshimaday #nuke #nuclear #openheimer
In Oppenheimer, when the Trinity test was successful, I was kinda stunned when he turned to camera and said, “I’m here to see my gynecologist!” 😮 #Openheimer #Barbenheimmer #Barbie
#barbie #barbenheimmer #openheimer
Cinema is finally back!
#gravityfalls #SuperMarioBrosMovie #JohnWick4 #JohnWickChapter4 #pussinbootsthelastwish #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #nimonamovie #spidermanacrossthespiderverse #openheimer #originalcontent #originalmeme
#spidermanacrossthespiderverse #openheimer #originalcontent #originalmeme #gravityfalls #supermariobrosmovie #JohnWick4 #JohnWickChapter4 #pussinbootsthelastwish #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #nimonamovie
Las salas de cine en #PrincipePio de @Cinesa estan petadas para #Barbie y #openheimer
Lq de la foto es barbie🙀
#principepio #barbie #openheimer
If you watch one you have to watch the other to be truly part of the phenomenon that is...
#barbie #openheimer #barbenheimer #movies