#RedHat is contributing to #Symbioticon in Frankfurt. Discussions about #OpenSource #OpenHybridCloud #InfrastructureAsCode #Automation #TrustworthyAI #CBDC #OpenAPIs #DORA #AIA #MiCA #Sustainability
Great public (!) conference & hackathon hosted by Deutsche Sparkassen und Giro-Verband (#DGSV) and Finanz-Informatik (#FI) in Messe Frankfurt. #EndlessEndeavour
#redhat #symbioticon #opensource #openhybridcloud #infrastructureascode #automation #TrustworthyAI #cbdc #openapis #dora #aia #MiCA #sustainability #dgsv #fi #endlessendeavour
Remember "Write once, run anywhere"? It's back. It's now the #OpenHybridCloud and on its way to the #Edge. #OpenSource, #OpenStandards, global collaboration, The Open Source Way. #RHSummit explains it all.
#openhybridcloud #edge #opensource #openstandards #rhsummit
Multi cloud is so old-school ;) #OpenHybridCloud is where the future starts. We at @RedHat@twitter.com have been working in this for quite a while already :) https://cloudirregular.substack.com/p/aws-hearts-multi-cloud-its-gonna