So, da die #Gamescom nun zu Ende ist, würde ich sagen, es ist Zeit für eine kleine Bilanz. Ich war zwar nicht vor Ort in Köln, aber dafür möchte ich trotzdem meine Highlights, meine Gedanken und meine Meinung zur #OpeningNightLive, zur #FutureGamesShow und zum #IndieArenaBooth kurz zusammenfassen.
#gamescom #openingnightlive #futuregamesshow #indiearenabooth #gaming #videogames
[Gamescom 2023] Diablo IV anuncia la Temporada de la Sangre, que llegará el 17 de octubre
#Noticias #BlizzardEntertainment #DiabloIV #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #TemporadaDeLaSangre
#noticias #blizzardentertainment #diabloiv #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #temporadadelasangre
[Gamescom 2023] Delta Force: Hawk Ops es presentado y llegará con crossplay por primera vez en la clásica licencia de videojuegos
#Noticias #Crossplay #DeltaForceHawkOps #FPS #OpeningNightLive #TiMiStudioGroup
#noticias #crossplay #deltaforcehawkops #fps #openingnightlive #timistudiogroup
Os dejamos un resumen con todo lo que se ha cocido en la #OpeningNightLive de la #Gamescom2023:
#openingnightlive #gamescom2023
Todos los anuncios y trailers del Gamescom Opening Night Live 2023
#Gamescom #OpeningNightLive2023 #OpeningNightLive #ONL #PS5 #Xbox #XboxSeriesX #NintendoSwitch #Switch #PCGaming #Gaming #Videojuegos
#gamescom #openingnightlive2023 #openingnightlive #onl #ps5 #xbox #xboxseriesx #nintendoswitch #switch #pcgaming #gaming #videojuegos
Oh, wow!
#TheFirstDescendant looks awesome! A mix from #Destiny, #Outriders and #borderlands?!
Count me in (for the closed beta)
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom #Gaming #Videogames
#thefirstdescendant #destiny #outriders #borderlands #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
[Gamescom 2023] Bandai Namco anuncia Little Nightmares III en Gamescom
#Noticias #BandaiNamco #Gamescom2023 #LittleNightmaresIII #OpeningNightLive
#noticias #bandainamco #gamescom2023 #littlenightmaresiii #openingnightlive
#AssassinsCreedMirage looks really well done, but I can't stand for another #AssassinsCreed game.
I'm really over it, I... I literally can't.
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom
#Gaming #Videogames
#assassinscreedmirage #assassinscreed #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
Oh boy, #Payday3 is getting more interesting by the day 😅
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom
#Gaming #Videogames
#payday3 #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
Yikes, #KillingFloor3 is pure nightmare stuff (in a good way)!
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom
#Gaming #Videogames
#killingfloor3 #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
Can't say anything about the #Starfield trailer, they know how to hit hard.
I'll probably reactivate my #GamePass subscription just to play this game, and maybe buying it on #Steam or #GOG (if possible) if convinced.
🤞 for #SteamDeck compatibility
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom
#Gaming #Videogames
#starfield #gamepass #steam #gog #steamdeck #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
Pretty good vibes in #DeltaForce too, I hope it won't be another Call of Duty / Battlefield clones but being more similar to The Division 2 kinda gameplay
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom
#Gaming #Videogames
#deltaforce #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
I did not expect another #Warhammer RTS game, but here it is!
#RealmsOfRuin does not seems like a game to get hype for, but I might be wrong. It may be worth to watch some gameplay when it will come out.
#Gamescom23 #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Gamescom
#Gaming #Videogames
#realmsofruin #warhammer #ageofsigmar #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom #gaming #videogames
#BulletstormVR seems like the kinda game with motion sickness implied 😅
"If you don't have it, it's not working"
#bulletstormvr #gamescom23 #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #gamescom
[Gamescom 2023] Anunciada la fecha de lanzamiento de Sonic Superstars y la llegada de una nueva actualización a Sonic Frontiers
#Noticias #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Sega #SonicFrontiers #SonicSuperstars
#noticias #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #Sega #sonicfrontiers #sonicsuperstars
[Gamescom 2023] PAYDAY 3 se muestra espectacular en un nuevo tráiler de acción real
#Noticias #DeepSilver #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #PAYDAY3 #Starbreeze
#noticias #deepsilver #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #payday3 #starbreeze
[Gamescom 2023] Post Trauma mostró su cara más terrorífica durante la Opening Night Live
#IndieGames #Noticias #Gamescom2023 #IndieGames #OpeningNightLive #PostTrauma #RawFury #REDSOULGAMES
#indiegames #noticias #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #posttrauma #rawfury #redsoulgames
[Gamescom 2023] Crimson Desert se mostró excepcional en la Opening Night Live
#Noticias #CrimsonDesert #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #PearlAbyss
#noticias #crimsondesert #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #pearlabyss
[Gamescom 2023] HEXWORKS muestra el tráiler oficial extendido de la historia de Lords of the Fallen
#Noticias #Hexworks #LordsOfTheFallen #OpeningNightLive #RPG
#noticias #hexworks #lordsofthefallen #openingnightlive #rpg
[Gamescom 2023] El Opening Night Live nos deja el tráiler de acción de STARFIELD
#Noticias #BethesdaGameStudios #Gamescom2023 #OpeningNightLive #Starfield #TrilerDeAccin
#noticias #bethesdagamestudios #gamescom2023 #openingnightlive #starfield #trilerdeaccin