Keyfactor inaugura nuova community open source per promuovere l'innovazione nella sicurezza cibernetica
CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Keyfactor, la piattaforma di identità per IoT e computer pensata per le ...
#cybersecurity #devops #IOT #keyfactor #openinnovation
#cybersecurity #devops #iot #keyfactor #openinnovation
We Award premia le donne imprenditrici di successo. Eccellenze femminili, al via le candidature per il premio WE Award. Riconoscimento delle donne attive nel mondo del business, dell’innovazione e nel no profit - Candidature entro il 17 ottobre.
Stanno arrivando le prime candidature per il premio WE Award - Woman Eccellenze 2023.
#business #eccellenzafemminile #empowermentfemminile #International #NoProfi #OpenInnovation #premioWEAward #Womanatthetop
#business #eccellenzafemminile #empowermentfemminile #international #noprofi #openinnovation #premioweaward #womanatthetop
Der @OpenBikeSensor kommt jetzt in #Diepholz zum Einsatz. Die Daten werden in das Osnabrücker Portal gespielt. Die Sensoren wurden im #Hackerspace in #Bremen gebastelt. Dort wurden insgesamt 30 Exemplare hergestellt.
Und das liebe ich so an diesem Projekt: es wird gegenseitig unterstützt, um Erfahrungen und Daten zu sammeln und für ein großes Ganzes auszuwerten. Das Miteinander ist so grandios groß ausgeprägt.
#OpenInnovation #CitizenScience #OpenBikeSensor
#diepholz #hackerspace #bremen #openinnovation #citizenscience #openbikesensor
A tribology #OpenInnovation Test Bed to lubricate innovation!
#Tribology is key for the design of components such as gears & clutches, but requires long development processes.
@iTRIBOMAT aims to reduce the time & costs, offering a range of services👉!kCnGhb
Giving nanotechnology-enabled medical devices a boost to market
#EUfunded project @safenmt developed an #OpenInnovation Test Beds platform to support developers of nanotechnology-enabled medical technologies in their transition from clinics to the market
What do cars, aircraft, beer cans & washing machines all have in common?
They depend on sheet metal.
@Formplanet_EU offers an #OpenInnovation Test Bed for advanced sheet metal characterisation, helping to cut waste and increase productivity👉!HCTnR9
Lightweight metals are used for components in automotive, aerospace & manufacturing industries, but a limited number of products make it to the market.
The project #LightMe developed an #OpenInnovation ecosystem to boost production of these metals 👉
Medical technology is a thriving industry in the EU but achieving regulatory approval for new devices can be a complex process.
The #EUfunded project #MDOT set up an #OpenInnovation network to help speed up SMEs’ compliance with the new regulations 👉
#EUfunded #MDOT #openinnovation
#Industry4_0 is held back in Europe due to high cost.
#OpenInnovation Test Beds developed by an #EUfunded project have lowered the barriers to innovation in electronic components.
The project offers non-technical services for digital technologies👉!VFBdbv
#Industry4_0 #openinnovation #EUfunded
Steve Rader: How NASA crowdsources solutions to its problems #OpenInnovation #crowdsourcing
#openinnovation #crowdsourcing
Was ist technologische Souveränität? Welche Rolle spielt dabei #OpenSource Software? Sollte der Staat Entwickler:innen von offenen digitalen Systemen finanziell unterstützen? In welcher Form? Worauf kommt es beim Innovieren und Betreiben an?
Thomas Ramge (#SPRIND) spricht mit Adriana Groh, Mitgründerin des Sovereign Tech Fund:
#SovereignTechFund #OpenInnovation #Digitalisierung #DigitaleTransformation #NachhaltigDigital #SocialImpact #WandelMut #SocialInnovation
#opensource #sprind #SovereignTechFund #openinnovation #digitalisierung #digitaletransformation #nachhaltigdigital #socialimpact #wandelmut #SocialInnovation
Empresas investirão R$ 5 bi na conexão com startups em 2023
#Startups #OpenInnovation #Investimentos #InovaçãoAberta #ForbesTech #ForbesMoney
#startups #openinnovation #investimentos #inovacaoaberta #forbestech #forbesmoney
RT @VPagnon
🚨Dernier appel | Plus que quelques heures pour tenter votre chance de rejoindre la promo 2023 #FrenchIoT, accélérateur #startups @GroupeLaPoste /@Docapost
💥Passez à la vitesse supérieure avec #LaPoste &ses partenaires #openinnovation
⏱Clôture à minuit
#FrenchIoT #Startups #laposte #openinnovation
How Biometrics Are Transforming the Customer Experience
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #MobileAndWirelessTechnology #InternetOfThings #WebBasedTechnologies #EnterpriseComputing #CybersecurityAndDigitalPrivacy #Automation #TechnologyAndAnalytics #OpenInnovation #DisruptiveInnovation #Inventions #Innovation
#digitalarticle #mobileandwirelesstechnology #internetofthings #webbasedtechnologies #EnterpriseComputing #cybersecurityanddigitalprivacy #automation #technologyandanalytics #openinnovation #disruptiveinnovation #inventions #innovation
Via #UCBerkeley...
#OpenInnovation covers a wide range of topics, including #OpenSource crowdsourcing, IP licensing, university collaborations, startup engagements, corporate venture capital, supplier-driven innovation, and user innovation – to name a few. All of these processes involve the flow of knowledge across organizational boundaries.
#EdTech #HigherEducation @EdTechChat
#oss #highered #ucberkeley #openinnovation #opensource #edtech #highereducation
🔎 Check out the @iPRODUCE_EU project video showcasing a groundbreaking social manufacturing framework for #OpenInnovation in consumer goods sector ⤵️
#openinnovation #CollaborativeManufacturing
RT @Docapost
#OpenInnovation 📣 | Vous êtes une femme entrepreneure & proposez une solution à impact se basant sur un service connecté ou sur un socle numérique ?
Rejoignez la promo 2023 du programme #FrenchIoT #Impact x #Technologie @GroupeLaPoste @Docapost
#openinnovation #FrenchIoT #impact #technologie
#Startup #tech à #impact !
Passez à la vitesse supérieure avec #FrenchIoT
#openinnovation @GroupeLaPoste @Docapost 🎓Parcours Booster Entrepreneur : formation & coaching
🤝Mises en relation : business & investisseurs
📣Visibilité : salon & communication
#startup #tech #impact #FrenchIoT #openinnovation
Lessons on Customer Engagement from Fan Controlled Football
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #OnlineCommunities #InternetOfThings #WebBasedTechnologies #Blockchain #Automation #DataManagement #PerformanceIndicators #AnalyticsAndDataScience #Algorithms #AiAndMachineLearning #TechnologyAndAnalytics #DecisionMakingAndProblemSolving #CustomerCentricity #CustomerStrategy #OpenInnovation #Inventions #DisruptiveInnovation #Experimentation #DesignThinking #Innovation
#digitalarticle #onlinecommunities #internetofthings #webbasedtechnologies #blockchain #automation #datamanagement #performanceindicators #analyticsanddatascience #algorithms #aiandmachinelearning #technologyandanalytics #decisionmakingandproblemsolving #customercentricity #customerstrategy #openinnovation #inventions #disruptiveinnovation #experimentation #designthinking #innovation
📣Vous êtes une femme entrepreneure ?
Rejoignez #FrenchIoT Impact x Technologie @GroupeLaPoste 🚀
Programme #openinnovation engagé à donner + de place aux femmes dans la tech, avec un objectif de parité dans les équipes dirigeantes des #startups lauréates
#FrenchIoT #openinnovation #Startups