Opal v1.2.0 is now available!
#OpenSource #Free #FOSS #javafx #openjfx #Java
Seems like my IntelliJ Idea is pointing to put of date links for #OpenJFX dependencies. Is that just the way it is or am I missing something?
#OpenJFX の方も updateしている。
#Windows 環境では、zipファイルを解凍して、フォルダーをProgram Files フォルダーの所定位置に置くだけで完成。
Windows にインストールはしない使い方。
#openjfx #windows #prattohome #ディスクトップアプリ #update
New #JavaFX #LinksOfTheWeek are published on https://www.jfx-central.com/home. Thanks to ... everyone listed. Too many to include in this message ;-) Happy weekend and reading! #OpenJFX #JfxCentral
#javafx #linksoftheweek #openjfx #jfxcentral
Still a long way to go but the core library has been extended to be able to read both fixed and animated beziers. The demo app can now load a JSON LottieFile with such animated bezier and very first result of the visualization shows some "matching parts" ;-) Colors, strokes, fills etc. still to be done.
Screenshot: left expected result as static image, right generated image based on the JSON file.
#javafx #openjfx #java #lottiefiles
2023 has taken of with a flying start for #javafx! Check out the lengthy summary of the Links Of The Week that were published in January on http://jfx-central.com, listed here on Foojay :foojay: Today by @frankdelporte
#javafx #foojaytip #openjdk #openjfx
RT @FrankDelporte@twitter.com
New #JavaFX #LinksOfTheWeek are available at https://www.jfx-central.com. Thanks to @MichaelPaus@twitter.com @johanvos@twitter.com @MetacodesPro@twitter.com @jessals04@twitter.com @AlmasBaim@twitter.com Matthew Wheeler @JavaFX3D@twitter.com @hansolo_@twitter.com @dlemmermann@twitter.com @david_m_gilbert@twitter.com @jfxcentral@twitter.com. Happy reading! #OpenJFX #Java #OpenJDK
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FrankDelporte/status/1613805637728714754
#javafx #linksoftheweek #openjfx #java #openjdk
New #JavaFX #LinksOfTheWeek are available at https://jfx-central.com. Thanks to Michael Paus, @johanvos, Siegfried Steiner, Jesse Watson, Almas Baim, Matthew Wheeler, JavaFX3D, @hansolo_, Dirk Lemmermann, David Gilbert.
Happy reading!
#javafx #linksoftheweek #openjfx #java #openjdk
@FrankDelporte @jor
I started an #OpenJFX mastodon client a long time ago here: https://github.com/wakingrufus/mastodon-jfx feel free to take anything useful from it. It was very immature, but i was able to login (multi-account) and view feeds
RT @FrankDelporte@twitter.com
One day earlier, but here are the #JavaFX #LinksOfTheWeek! Thanks to @john_sirach@twitter.com, @jjenkov@twitter.com, @zinbe@twitter.com, @kevinrushforth@twitter.com, @samieteq@twitter.com, @Alessio_Vinerbi@twitter.com, @Raumzeitfalle@twitter.com, @jpro_one@twitter.com, @jfxcentral@twitter.com. #OpenJFX
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FrankDelporte/status/1588126086847758336
#javafx #linksoftheweek #openjfx