@nitrokey Okay, with the help of Szczepan Zalega and sosthene-nitrokey… it looks like I now have the #NitroKey3 decrypting and digitally signing files on #OpenKeyChain on #Android.
The above Github link is where you'll find the source code, and I'll get a .apk up for testing shortly.
#nitrokey3 #openkeychain #android
So, bought a couple of #NitroKey 3s with the intent of using them with #OpenPGP particularly Password Manager on Android, only to find #OpenKeychain does not support them.
Annoying… but OpenKeyChain is open-source, so here goes.
@nitrokey Am I right in assuming it's just an unrecognised PID/VID and that once OKC recognises the NK3, it should work?
#nitrokey #openpgp #openkeychain
#K9 mit #openkeychain eingerichtge und meinen Schlüssel importiert. Warum lässt mich K9 verschlüsselte E-Mails lesen aber nicht versenden? #Fehler0 #privacy
#privacy #fehler0 #openkeychain #k9
A similar app that works for PGP messages is [Oversec][1] with keys provided by [OpenKeychain][2].
[1]: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.oversec.one
[2]: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.sufficientlysecure.keychain
I just installed #openkeychain and setup my #Encrypted email key 🔐 for @k9mail @thunderbird
@kuketzblog (1) #Aegis #Authenticator = App für 2FA.
(2) #RememberTheMilk = Einkaufs- / Erinnerungslisten
(3) #FairEmail = Zum Verwalten von E-Mail-Konten
(3a) #OpenKeychain = PGP-Verschlüsselung in Verbindung mit (3)
#aegis #authenticator #rememberthemilk #fairemail #openkeychain
I set up GNUPGP for email using KGpg and signed my desktop email (evolution) but trying to set up the keys on FairEmail (f-droid version) and OpenKeyChain, it won't show imported keys (file or key server) as "My Keys" and I cannot use them to sign on mail in FairEmail
Concerned making a new key in OKC will conflict with my existing ones
Am I missing something here (most likely) or is the OpenKeyChain and FairEmail implementation just broken?
#pgp #gnupgp #fairemail #openkeychain #help
I don't expect people to run their own mailservers - far from it.
But #Thunderbird has #GnuPG / #OpenPGP support integrated for years now.
And even on mobile there's #OpenKeychain and #K9Mail...
Now if you're using #Apple's OSes you're fecked anyway cuz they scan "for #CSAM" regardless if you use #iCloud or consent to that shit!
#openpgp #iCloud #csam #Apple #k9mail #openkeychain #gnupg #Thunderbird
And now I'm in the process of de-junkifying my Google Pixel. There's a shit-ton of Google stuff that comes pre-installed and cannot be uninstalled, only disabled. #DontBeEvil is dead.
And of course I'm re-installing everything from f-droid. #k9mail/#thunderbird, #FreeOTP, #DAVx5, #KeePassDX, #LibreTorrent, #Nextcloud, #OsmAndApp, #SimpleMobileTools suite, #OpenKeyChain, #Tusky. I also use #FFUpdater to get #Firefox, #Orbot (#tor proxy), and #TorBrowser installed/managed.
And then I'll have to worry about re-syncing #signalmessenger #signal app. I took a back-up, but... last time I did that it gave me headaches (that I eventually resolved at least).
Maybe I'll have all this done in a few more hours :P
Suffice it to say, I'm already missing #GrapheneOS and feel like mobile operating systems are stuck in the 1990s portal era of system and service design, always trying to "help" you and "hide" the details. What's old is new again, I guess.
#dontbeevil #k9mail #freeotp #davx5 #keepassdx #libretorrent #nextcloud #osmandapp #simplemobiletools #openkeychain #tusky #ffupdater #firefox #orbot #tor #torbrowser #signalmessenger #signal #grapheneos
#OpenKeychain App #Verschlüsselung
Easy PGP Dateien und Kommunikation verschlüsseln. Kompatibel mit OpenPGP
Nach fast 2 Jahren ein Update.
Kann Texte für email oder chat verschlüssen.
#verschlusselung #openkeychain
#OpenKeychain App #Versvhlüsselung
Easy PGP Dateien und Kommunikation verschlüsseln. Kompatibel mit OpenPGP
Nach fast 2 Jahren ein Update.
Kann Texte für email oder chat verschlüssen.
#versvhlusselung #openkeychain
Problematisch ist, dass #OpenKeychain nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird, allenfalls gibt es noch Fehlerberichtigungen.
FairEmail wird aktiv entwickelt, K-9 Mail wird gerade zu Thunderbird weiterentwickelt.
Es gibt übrigens durchaus #EMail-Clients für #Android, die digitale Verschlüsselung mit dem etablierten Standard #OpenPGP unterstützen:
Beide setzen für die Schlüsselverwaltung auf #OpenKeychain.
FairEmail macht seine Sache sehr gut (und unterstützt neben OpenPGP auch S/MIME).
#email #android #openpgp #fairemail #k9mail #openkeychain
@risk Ich nutze sowohl #k9mail als auch #fairemail. Während K9-Mail schön schlank und übersichtlich ist, ist FairEmail in den Funktionen sehr viel umfangreicher. Hat beides etwas. Beide sind kompatibel zu #openkeychain - das ist neben der Eigenschaft #opensorce das Wichtigste. Beiden Entwicklern an dieser Stelle eine großes Dankeschön :mastohappy:
#k9mail #fairemail #openkeychain #opensorce
#K9mail with #OpenKeyChain can't decrypt e-mails which were sent w/o IDs (throw-keyids).
"Error decrypting email No encrypted data with known secret key found in stream"
#k9mail #openkeychain #gpg #gnupg #mutt #security #privacy #android #thunderbird
I extended the expiry time of my #GPG key, and revoked some obsolete IDs.
keys.openpgp.org seems to have understood (I checked the asc file from the site).
#Thunderbird and #OpenKeychain have updated the new expiry time only, no apparent changes in the IDs 😞
I'm tired of the computing world.
#gpg #thunderbird #openkeychain
Similar question. I am also using @k9mail on my smartphone and would like reading encrypted messages there (using #OpenKeychain). What would you do?
TIL (actually, remembered that we've been through that with @balsoft) that #OpenKeychain can't do auth on ed25519. and it doesn't even crash, it just... kinda fails to.
So if you gave up on using GPG key in your Password Store (#pass android client) to fetch your repo -- try adding RSA Authentication subkey and trying it again)
Some info about the #OpenKeychain situation:
"Both @dschuermann and myself no longer spend a lot of time on this
Here's a brief summary of a blog post we never wrote:
* All of OpenKeychain's UI is an anti-feature.
* If the user is doing anything in OpenKeychain's UI, OpenPGP is still doing it wrong.
* OpenKeychain shouldn't be an app, it should be a library.
* Changing OpenKeychain into a library is more work than we are motivated to do in our free time."
Source: https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/commit/6f38af15828e07f0186109a89b7aa57f54101cfa
Looks like active development of #OpenKeychain has ceased: "WARNING: This software is no longer actively developed. We will still apply security fixes where reported, and do basic maintenance work, but no new features or will be worked on. We will try to consider and merge contributions where possible." Source https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/blob/master/README.md
There are no other viable alternatives available for general use on #Android. Guess we need someone to take over. 😕
#OpenPGP #PGP #Security #Privacy #K9Mail #FairEmail #pEp #Email
#email #pep #fairemail #k9mail #privacy #security #pgp #openpgp #android #openkeychain