Come meet us at @foss4g and we will give you a tote bag with a cool t-shirt. @jsonsingh
#volunteering #floss #openlabsalbania
There are so many ways to contribute to #opensource . Preparing hundreds of tote bags to welcome the participants of #foss4g in Prizren.
@OpenLabsAlbania members are contributing as volunteers on this edition and we can not wait to meet all of the amazing contributors that will join.
#opensource #foss4g #floss #volunteering #openlabsalbania #flossk
Getting ready for #foss4g ! 😄
Tomorrow morning together with @flowrivers we travel to Prizren to volunteer for @foss4g .
Can't wait to be there!
#foss4g #floss #volunteering #openlabsalbania
Join us at OSCAL!
#openlabsalbania #floss #oscal2023 #conference
At Open Labs we work daily to promotes free and open source technologies, open data, open standards, online privacy and the empowerment of public space and alternative licenses.
Open Labs Hackerspace is depended on your donations and your support to continue it's work. If you want to support us, please consider donating to ensure the continuity of our work.
To support us:
For more info:
#openlabsalbania #supportacommunity #opensource
A blog post dedicated to Public Money Public Code. What we have done so far and the plans for the future. @fsfe
#openlabsalbania #publicmoneypubliccode #policymaking
This saturday we invite you to join us at #OpenLabsAlbania to finish the maproulette challenge. This is another meetup organised by OpenStreetMap Albania in order to contribute to @openstreetmap and teach new contributors their first steps. Might also have homemade cake 😃.
Activity here:
Yesterday we had a recap meeting of @fsfe Public Money Public Code Albania and a lot of new people joined to learn about PMPC. This was a successful campaign with 1 party including PMPC into their electoral program and we now have a voice in the Tirana municipality.
Next steps will be to translate leaflets and videos in Albanian. Everything is documented in Albanian at .
#openlabsalbania #fsfe #floss #policymaking
The Movement Together won 1 council seat on the local election and this is great news for us because they are the only one who included @fsfe Public Money Public Code in their political program.
We at #OpenLabsAlbania will continue providing them and all parties with PMPC translated materials and counseling.
#openlabsalbania #floss #policymaking #grassrootspolitics
First article from all the media we contacted so far about @fsfe Public Money Public Code. #OpenLabsAlbania
Today was a very productive Public Money Public Code meeting.
Recap of what we did:
1 - Prepared press release in Albanian and English
2 - Sent press release to 23 media
3 - Prepared email for communities and embassies
4 - Sent email to sister communities in the region and broader
5 - Sent email to all embassies in Albania
6 - Started translating @fsfe brochure for parties to include in their electoral program.
Already have one subject, Levizja Bashke who wants to include the PMPC in their electoral program.
7 - Published everything in wiki
The progress can be seen here (Albanian only, for now):
P.s Special thanks to @flowrivers for finding email contacts for the media and embassies.
#openlabsalbania #publicmoneypubliccode
Tomorrow we will meet again at #OpenLabsAlbania for @fsfe Public Money Public Code.
We already received an email from one of the 46 parties we contacted and are thinking of including PMPC in their electoral program.
Tomorrow we are gonna work on a draft to send to them and publish it on wiki in case other parties wanna pick it up too.
#publicmoneypubliccode #Albania #localelections2023 #opensource
#openlabsalbania #publicmoneypubliccode #albania #localelections2023 #opensource
We had another very productive meeting today at #OpenLabsAlbania about @fsfe Public Money Public Code campaign.
The work is being documented here (Materials are in Albanian):
Next meeting will be in a few days.
#openlabsalbania #floss #publicmoneypubliccode #fsfe
Today members of the Open Street Map Albania user group came together @OpenLabsAlbania to map for #Malawi.
We contributed for two hours mapping buildings using #Ideditor and @openstreetmap .
#malawi #ideditor #disasterrecovery #openstreetmap #openlabsalbania
Tomorrow at @OpenLabsAlbania we will gather to map Malawi. @openstreetmap @hotosm
#openlabsalbania #openstreetmap #hotosm
Weekly meetups continue with WCUGA at Open Labs Albania. Join us if you are in Albania!
#openlabsalbania #wikimedia #commons #community