Those who know me, know that a big part of my live involves charity. Doing a lot of things that helps animals (and people). I do this in many ways and one of them is picking litter and logging it in #OpenLitterMap (OLM), one of the apps that you can use for it.
I've been an ambassador for OLM for a long time and spend a lot of time coding, uploading, tagging, helping people, creating videos etc, but unfortunately,
Yesterday i decided to step down.
Back in the game!
#zwerfiewashere #newbee #yesyoucan #opensource #openlittermap
voor het slapen gaan nog even wat #pakzooi-meuk vastleggen in #OpenLitterMap voor de plastic-avengers.
En dan blijft die van 'Earth' misschien nog wel de mooiste om te vinden.
De ironie...
A volunteer in Croatia is also active at this moment.
You can use #OpenLitterMap to register what you picked up, but you can also use it to register dumpsites (for instance to notify your local authority).
Sorry, i just hád to upload 1 extra piece of litter.
#impact #openlittermap #zwerfie #litter #onemore
Just doing my part, cleaning up my neighborhood, uploading pictures into #OpenLitterMap and tagging some special (Dutch drinkcarton) pictures to help some other volunteers who really are doing something with this data so i could say that I #makeanimpact #zwerfiewashere
#zwerfiewashere #makeanimpact #openlittermap
The day after, i need to upload a lot more, but after the night-run, you now can also see the circles with the numbers.
So another road is covered on #OpenLitterMap, it is clean for a while (how long, nobody knows).
Next cleanup i will try to find new 'terra incognita' and do a walk there.
Until i have covered and cleaned every path in my area as least once 🙂
Last weekend i walked from Catricum to Alkmaar and back and picked (almost) every piece of litter that i saw (everything within reach more or less).
At this moment the yellow line (to the left of the red one) still looks 'terra incognita', but zoom in and you will see (clickable) dots.
Tomorrow there will be circles with numbers.
More uploads on the way.
Dots everywhere!
#litterpicker #litter #cleanup #zwerfiewashere #openlittermap #castricum #limmen #heiloo, #alkmaar
#alkmaar #heiloo #limmen #castricum #openlittermap #zwerfiewashere #cleanup #litter #litterpicker
Gisterenavond/nacht bedacht ik wat en vanmiddag dacht ik daar weer aan,
Meteen even de stoute schoenen aangetrokken en een berichtje gestuurd en snel daarna al een heel leuk antwoord terug!
Het ziet er naar uit dat gebruikers van #OpenLitterMap in NL vitamientjes gaan krijgen...
Nog even kijken hoe we dat uit gaan werken maar hier ben ik al heel blij mee!
#zwerfiewashere #zwerfie #openlittermap
As you might know, i am using to register all the litter that i find and pick.
There is also an app for that but i like web better.
Tonight we had our weekly #OpenLitterMap (OLM)-meetup, (open to all people that use or work on OLM) and was a nice one again,
Talked about new places where it could be used, talked about the Littercoin and my favorite, we did some coding, trying to make the app easier (i prefer web for that reason but new users use app mostly)
Nice #OpenLitterMap-meetup last night. (app and website to register litter-data (that's just one of the functionalities)
In the upcoming weeks, we will have it at Fridays instead of Thursdays.
Working on #opensource is fun!
Yesterday some nice new ideas and we fixed some bugs and Yes, we pushed to production, on a Friday hahaha.
Living on the edge :-)
But if you don't have an #OpenLitterMap-meetup tonight, you must be bored?
Well no, not exactly...
New project.
Normally we would be having the #OpenLitterMap-meetup in about 7 minutes (you can see the countdown here:
But in the next weeks, we will have the meetup on Fridays (same time)
Everybody still welcome of course!
Wow, I had a very nice meetup with somebody from #SeaShepherd just now!
I'm not going into details right now, but would be so cool if i am able to help them make an even bigger impact!
Keep up the good work!
#zwerfie #cleanup #showyourimpact #OpenLitterMap
To be continued (i hope).
#openlittermap #showyourimpact #cleanup #zwerfie #seashepherd
ce doit être merveilleux de vivre en France, où il n'y a pas de litière du tout
(it must be lovely to live in France, where there is no litter at all)
#openlittermap #zwerfie #showyourdata
Every Thursday we have a meetup with all volunteers from #OpenLitterMap, talking about different stuff, fixing some bugs live etc.
This time it was a bit different because we had trouble getting into the call.
But at the end we managed, and still had a nice short call, i stayed behind with a guy from the USA and talked to him a bit more.
Actually being a user of OpenLitterMap is not just about picking litter and taking pictures.
It is about people.
All over the world.
Are you doing clean-ups?
And are you showing-your-impact?
Recently a school in Amsterdam did a three-day cleanup and yesterday a group in Assendelft (both Netherlands) did a cleanup and they show their impact in #OpenLitterMap.
Both have their own tag, but also the tag 'showyourimpact' with which you can see the results of both groups!
We have more data about what we collect, but this is a simple and quick way to show the impact, by the number of bags:
#showyourimpact #openlittermap
@smartatarc @SuperMoosie you could consider putting it on a map, like #openlittermap ,
Doesn’t have to be a picture for every item, a picture of the bag at the end will also do just fine.
#showyourimpact #openlittermap
Are you involved in clean-ups and do you want to #showyourimpact?
I've created this tag in #OpenLitterMap so anyone can see what you did for all of us
A school in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) is the first, who's next!? (zoom in with mouse-wheel)
(I can help you if you don't want to register, just sent me your original pictures (including geo-location) and i will do the rest.
Feel free to ask!)
#openlittermap #showyourimpact
Zo, computer afsluiten en dan op naar 075 voor 'een uurtje voor een schoner buurtje',
Even wat #zwerfie's oprapen en vastleggen in #OpenLitterMap.
Gisteravond nog een mooi gesprek met iemand die dat 'het belonen van de vervuilers' was, maar zo zie ik het (maar) niet.
Ik beloon hun niet, ik beloon mezelf en andere bewoners van 075 op een schonere werkomgeving.
En de groep waarmee ik het doe is leuk en de lunch na afloop gezelllig.