Just wrapped up my talk about the Open #Mainframe Project #Linux Distributions Working Group with Sarah Julia Kriesch!
Slides here: https://princessleia.com/presentations/2023/Open_Mainframe_Summit_-_Linux_Distributions_WG_2023.pdf
#mainframe #Linux #openmainframesummit #ibmtechxchange
And right up next is laying out the difficulty of testing #COBOL and what COBOL Check is doing to solve that with Joe Winchester #OpenMainframeSummit #IBMTechXchange
#cobol #openmainframesummit #ibmtechxchange
They have added a new section of the course since I went through it! Time to catch up on my #COBOL education, and thanks to Sudharsana Srinivasan for this great project update #OpenMainframeSummit #IBMTechXchange
#cobol #openmainframesummit #ibmtechxchange
The last keynote of the #OpenMainframeSummit this morning was... mine! Many thanks to my colleague Sudharsana for taking a picture during my talk about the Open #Mainframe Project Mentorship program, which uses the #Linux Foundation Mentorship infrastructure.
#openmainframesummit #mainframe #Linux
Got my copy of John Mertic's new book "Open Source Projects - Beyond Code" signed! ✍️
#openmainframesummit #ibmtechxchange