Everyone was amped today at #openmat. Which is good? - white belts are getting an idea what to do, getting more familiar with what the goal is, gaining confidence. But man i felt sluggish by comparison! Been kind of uninspired lately i guess.
Now to teach them to use less strength and more technique with smaller opponents 😞.
#bjj #bjjwomen #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu
#brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj #openmat
Letztes Sparring für dieses Jahr heute Open Mat 18:00 Uhr
#openmat #bjj #bjjinberlin
Teaching note no. 6936:
When you teach your guys a technique maybe let them have it a few times at #openmat before you crush their hopes and dreams. But it IS fun to pull the plug on their move and watch the light fade from their eyes.
We like to joke about a failed technique by saying, "see? Jiujitsu doesn't work!" But i want to keep this as a joke, not make it reality! I want them to succeed. It will involve some crushing, ngl:)
#bjj #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj #bjjblackbelt
#bjjblackbelt #teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj #openmat
At least i felt i emphasized controlling the hip and knee as a theme! Next time maybe I'll pick two I'm feeling that day to show after saying one can go under, over or around, the end. I'm a detail person, but i need to condense and think big picture a bit more for beginners. I'm also not a talker so I'm hoping that these times i think I'm talking too much are just a normal amount of talking in reality.
#bjj #openmat #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #openmat #bjj
I need to refine some answers to basic questions, lol. I may have freaked out another white belt. He asked a rather large question - how do i pass guard. I then proceed to name idk how many specific passes, like giving a lecture, even talking about chaining them together. Oof i wonder how unhelpful that was.
#bjj #openmat #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #openmat #bjj
I couldn't go to #openmat yesterday, so feeling a little antsy today now that my stomach feels much better.
That first photo is by an old bjj buddy, he does bjj themed art at groundsharkprints.com .
#bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #openmat
Ideally i want to help them with stuff without them realizing it, you know? I did better with that last Saturday. I'm sure some of this is in my head & it was fine. I hate making a big deal about size/"would that work on a bigger guy."😫
#bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #jiujitsu #grappling #blackbelt #openmat
#openmat #blackbelt #grappling #jiujitsu #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj
Good weekend. Got a #Thanksgiving day class and #openmat. It's a tough balance working with mostly big guys. I feel like i can't go too easy on them because they can throw me around, whatever my belt is. But i know i should so i can set things up to "test" them.
#bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #grappling
#grappling #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #openmat #thanksgiving