after playing with it today. i just thought, the fresh #beepy feels like a predecessor of the #openmoko
Fouiller dans ses cartons et voilà ce que je retrouve.
C'était un beau projet de téléphone libre.
Je me rappelle qu'on me regardais bizarre en 2009 avec ça dans la main.
Est-ce qu'on peu déjà le ranger dans la catégorie #ordinosaure ?
#openhardware #opensource #smartphone #openmoko #ordinosaure
@wauz @Patrick @XOrgFoundation ich hatte vor langer Zeit mal ein #openmoko Smartphone... dafür gab es Linux Distributionen, die konnten damals teils schon telefonieren und sms schreiben... aber omg war das alles schlecht umgesetzt... das hat sich nie durchgesetzt und das ende vom Lied war, dass die Entwickler aufgegeben hatten... Die Hardware war sogar gut und komplett offen... dann kamen gute normale Smartphones und nun kennt das niemand mehr...
@m3ss3dupbytes @socialnetwork Io comprai pure il primo #openmoko ovvero il #neo #freerunner (per chi se lo ricorda, era stato il primissimo tentativo di telefono #openhw con #linux anni fa) e ho incredibilmente provato ad usarlo in real life... é stato un inferno, ma ho imparato un sacco di roba, e anche se è stato un progetto completamente fallimentare, sono orgoglioso e contento di aver partecipato in qualche modo.
#openmoko #neo #freerunner #openhw #linux
@timojyrinki yeah that's so cool! I actually only learnt about #openmoko sometime later.... but better late than never!
How does the #openmoko #freerunner know I was in #Taiwan last week? 😂
(Thanks to Bob Summerwill for this 15 year old classic and the last photo!)
#openmoko #freerunner #taiwan #linuxphone #mobilelinux #opensource
@frameworkcomputer Great to see #Taiwan based job openings too! I'll definitely pass it on (not strong enough in #hardware engineering myself to apply).
Also, is it possible to drop by and visit the office some time?
(a sorta potential perk of living here of seeing how things are made, similarly visited the #Openmoko office when I bought their trailblazing device back in the day)
@starshine as a matter of fact I wished #Mozilla would've released #FirefoxOS and subsequent devices in more markets, but like the #OpenMoko-based #FIC #Neo1973 & #Neo #FreeRunner one couldn't even buy them in most of the #EU and the only devices I was aware of were #NetLock|ed #Prepaid Feature Phones in #Spain that would've been useless paperweights to me or any other developer.
Otherwise @fuchsiii would've made #Apps and #Games for it...
#Games #Apps #spain #prepaid #netlock #EU #freerunner #neo #neo1973 #fic #openmoko #firefoxos #Mozilla
Je me rappelle, à l’époque j’avais essayé le Neo Freerunner d’#openmoko (, un ordiphone #hackable. L’idée était intéressante…
Mais j’avais abandonné au bout de quelques mois tellement je le trouvais difficile à utiliser : difficultés de configuration, problèmes de qualité de son, disfonctionnement…
Comment faire que le #lifephone ne décourage pas l’utilisateur : facile à utiliser, fiable, agréable à utiliser, etc. ?
#lownum #openmoko #hackable #lifephone
“你好兄弟 !” #pinephone #openmoko #freerunner #Linux 🥰
#pinephone #openmoko #freerunner #linux
Hobby inusuali e dove trovarli. Ho ritirato fuori il vecchio #openmoko per vedere se riesco ad usarlo come logger GPS.
@2ck Well, compared to the community driven #LinuxPhone of yore, the #OpenMoko, it's already pretty good. Maybe try a few distributions, or try to see it less as a serious phone and more as a fun work in progress. Get in touch if I can help 🙂 #LinuxMobile : As ex- #OpenMoko, #Maemo, #Qt #GreenPhone, #MeeGo, #Jolla. #FireFoxOS, #Tizen Should I invest more time in #PinePhone or #PureOS ?
#qt #greenphone #meego #jolla #firefoxos #tizen #pinephone #pureos #linuxmobile #openmoko #maemo
New blog post: "Will Linux Phones stay around this time?"
Comparing #LinuxPhone history and present.
#LinuxPhones #PinePhone #Librem5 #Openmoko
#linuxphone #linuxphones #pinephone #librem5 #openmoko
While revisiting my old blog posts, I stumbled upon this video:
In hindsight, it's really sad, but I remember (and have written evidence) that I believed #OpenMoko would be able to survive.
Do watch it, it definitely informs my commentary on #LinuxPhones.
@nipos @danct12 This is using Illume2, which originated on #Openmoko and was removed in #Enlightenment 0.19. That's my reason to use an otherwise outdated version.
I am currently looking for an old SHR (, best for one of the #armv7h devices in order to have a shot at booting into old #OpenMoko software on #PinePhone. I may have one somewhere on an old harddrive, but it would be great if someone could help me out!