"How can #openness be seen as strength and not weakness in governments?" Question by PM Kaja Kallas on #OGPEstonia opening session.
How did we get to a point where being closed could be possibly seen as a gov strength or security?
#openness #ogpestonia #opengov
Check out this unmissable call for artists working with data from #FestivaldeDatos, a Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (#Data4SDGs)'s event happening in Uruguay next November. (And stay tuned for @okfn’s side event programme focused on #openness 🔓 – more on that soon).
#festivaldedatos #data4sdgs #openness
I am sure many of us have some great human stories of #Openness. Please consider sharing a story for my friend @cogdog
Creativity and Curiosity: Does novelty-seeking underlie both?
Ivancovsky and colleagues argue this is the case.
It seems plausible to me that novelty-seeking behaviors can contribute to creativity.
But it doesn't explain some of the other routes to creative outcomes: Persistence, mind wandering, incubation, ... (?)
#Creativity #Innovation #Neuroscience #NoveltySeeking #Openness #Psychology
#psychology #openness #noveltyseeking #neuroscience #innovation #creativity
#Digitalisierung #Openness - Befreit das Netz! - "Wenn wir wirklich «hip» und «badass digital» sein wollen, übernehmen wir jetzt selbst die Verantwortung und befreien das Netz. Wir würden endlich unsere digitale Souveränität zurückgewinnen, freien Wettbewerb ermöglichen und unsere Demokratie sichern. Unsere Kinder würden es uns danken." - Interessanter Beitrag von Martin Andree - Eventl. € https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/befreit-das-netz-big-tech-muss-weg-ld.1749943
#Digitalisierung #Openness - Befreit das Netz! - "Wir müssten nur erkennen, dass Big Tech heute das darstellt, was früher einmal die Rockefellers oder Carnegies waren – alte, verkrustete Gebilde, die uns Menschen ständig erklären, es sei nur zu unserem Besten, wenn wir uns von ihnen beherrschen lassen. Dabei wollen sie nur ihre Machtpositionen halten, die sie seit vielen Jahren kapitalisieren (Amazon, Google Search, Facebook/Instagram, Youtube usw.), ohne dass Wettbewerber eine nennenswerte Chance hätten." - Interessanter Beitrag von Martin Andree - Eventl. € https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/befreit-das-netz-big-tech-muss-weg-ld.1749943
Openwashing is the trick that large "AI" companies use to evade regulation and neutralizing critics, by casting themselves as forces of ethical capitalism, committed to the virtue of #openness. No one should be surprised to learn that the products of the "open" wing of an industry whose products are neither "artificial," nor "intelligent," are also not "open." Every word AI huxters say is a lie; including "and," and "the."
📕 Report des Forums “NFDI: Inside Perspectives from the Centers” verfügbar: https://doi.org/10.48440/os.helmholtz.066 (in English)
ℹ️ Weitere Infos: https://os.helmholtz.de/veranstaltungen/foren/3-nfdi-forum/
@NFDI #OpenScience #NFDI #Openness (lm)
📕 Report des Forums “Research Evaluation, Reputation Systems, and Openness” verfügbar: https://doi.org/10.48440/os.helmholtz.065 (in English)
📂 Zudem: Musterfoliensatz (in English) über @DORAssessment und CoARA: https://os.helmholtz.de/assets/open_science/Downloads/2023_08_Presentation-Blueprint-DORA-CoARA.pdf
ℹ️ Weitere Infos: https://os.helmholtz.de/veranstaltungen/foren/research-evaluation-reputation-systems-and-openness/)
#OpenScience #ResearchEvaluation #ReputationSystems #Openness (lmf)
#openscience #researchevaluation #reputationsystems #openness
Predictors and consequences of intellectual humility https://www.ethicalpsychology.com/2023/08/predictors-and-consequences-of.html #CriticalThinking #Decision-making #Agreeableness #Humility #Learning #Openness
#criticalthinking #decision #agreeableness #humility #learning #openness
Good to see the amount of independent bookshops in the UK is at its highest level for a decade. The number of these #bookstores has continued to rise for the seventh consecutive year, reaching a total of 1,072 shops. That's a significant increase from their lowest point of 867 shops back in 2016.
Also good that independent publishers are doing well:
So we can say there is something of a change in who is #publishing and disseminating #books. What we can’t say so much is that there is a change in how they are doing so.
#bookstores #publishing #books #OAbooks #Writing #openness #open
Do the ends justify the means?
Like, is it okay to convince people to do the right thing for the wrong reasons?
I'm just thinking, perhaps we need to introduce a new Christianity to America which is built upon #love, #sacrifice, #doubt, #community, #openness, #acceptance.
Obviously, it would be better if people came to choose those values without the religious coercion, but, is it the lesser of two evils?
#acceptance #openness #community #doubt #sacrifice #love
This one-day event is your unique opportunity to engage in a global conversation about #openness, #transparency and #accountability. We are bringing bring together global experts and practitioners to discuss #algorithms, ethics of #AI, and practical ways to promote transparency.
#openness #transparency #accountability #algorithms #ai
Dear #webDev
Who are your favorite #Web #educators and #developers who have made the switch to the #Fediverse? People who support #diversity and #openness in the #web community, and aren't just chasing engagement for the sake of their ego?
I want to #boost them!!!
#CSS #JavaScript #HTML #webDevelopment #webDesign #standards #foss #w3c #typescript #tailwind #react #reactjs #vue #svelte #11ty #jamStack #netlify #vercel #chrome #js #ActivityPub #developer #software #programming
#programming #software #developer #ActivityPub #js #chrome #Vercel #netlify #jamstack #11ty #svelte #vue #reactjs #react #tailwind #typescript #w3c #FOSS #standards #webdesign #webdevelopment #html #javascript #css #boost #openness #diversity #Fediverse #developers #Educators #web #webdev
Heute letzter Tag der Anmeldung für die #digiS-Sommerschule zu digitalen Kulturerbedaten und vielem mehr. Online, kostenlos und offen für alle #openGLAM- Aficionados: Infos und Anmeldung unter https://www.digis-berlin.de/digis/veranstaltungen/digis-summer-school/
#digiSberlin #culturalheritage #openness #museum #MuseumDigital #dh #wikidata #metadata #metadaten
#digis #openglam #digiSberlin #culturalheritage #openness #museum #MuseumDigital #dh #wikidata #metadata #metadaten
🇬🇧 This week is truly dedicated to #OpenScience and #Openness - nationally and internationally. The Open Science Festival #OSF2023DE recently took place in Cologne. In Budapest, the #LIBER2023 conference is currently taking place with a very strong focus on support, development and the promotion of Open Science with services, infrastructure and more. To go with this, we highly recommend (again) this video playlist: https://av.tib.eu/watchlist/14664
#openscience #openness #osf2023de #liber2023
Diese Woche steht wahrlich ganz unter dem 🌟 von #OpenScience und #Openness - national und international. In Köln steigte unlängst das Open Science Festival #OSF2023DE. In Budapest läuft zudem aktuell die #LIBER2023-Konferenz mit sehr starkem Fokus auf Unterstützung, Entwicklung Forcierung offener Wissenschaft mit Services, Infrastruktur und mehr. Dazu passend empfehlen wir (wieder) wärmstens diese Video-Playlist: https://av.tib.eu/watchlist/14664
#openscience #openness #osf2023de #liber2023
"Für mehr #Offenheit in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft": Die Universitätsbibliothek @freieuniversitaet erhält mit 9 erfüllten Kriterien den Open Library Badge. 🎉
#openness #openaccess #openeducationalresources #opensource #openx
#offenheit #openness #openaccess #openeducationalresources #opensource #openx
Nr. 05 – Fragen an ChatGPT rund um Bibliotheken: Openness https://bibliotheksbubble.de/2023/06/24/nr-5-fragen-an-chatgpt-rund-um-bibliotheken/ Heute: Openness Ich: Warum sollten Bibliotheken den Openness-Gedanken vertreten? ChatGPT-X: Bibliotheken sollten den Openness… #AI #Bibliotheken #ChatGPT #KI #Openness
#ai #bibliotheken #chatgpt #ki #openness
"It’s incredibly naïve to think that #openness automatically makes things better when you have companies totally willing to exploit that openness to dominate a market."