Please donate to The OpenBSD Foundation to help them reach their goal for 2022.
They do not only provide support for #OpenBSD, but also to related projects such as #OpenSSH, #OpenBGPD, #OpenNTPD, #OpenSMTPD, #LibreSSL, #mandoc and #rpki-client.
Thank you! :flan_thumbs:
#openbsd #openssh #openbgpd #openntpd #opensmtpd #libressl #mandoc #rpki
Depuis une mise à jour d'#ArchLinux, #OpenNTPD (de OpenBSD) ne synchronise plus l'horloge. Retour au traditionnel #ntpd, qui marche. (Et qui permet de restreindre les accès par adresse IP.)
#archlinux #openntpd #ntpd #ntp #sysadmin
Heads up from Theo de Raadt about the #OpenNTPd, ntpd(8) '-s' and '-S' flags are being removed.
400,000 commits! Theo's right, that is a awful lot of commits by a lot of really amazing people! Congrats everyone! :flan_cool: :flan_cheer:
Nice milestone to hit just before the 6.6 release! :flan_hacker:
#OpenBSD #OpenSSH #OpenSMTPD #OpenNTPD #LibreSSL #OpenBGPD #tmux
#openbsd #openssh #opensmtpd #openntpd #libressl #openbgpd #tmux