A fantastic new resource for everyone interested in teaching approaches that center social justice, access, and learner agency:
Open Pedagogy Portal: This portal contains case studies, student work product, and resources to support all of your open pedagogy needs.
#openpedagogy #oer #teaching #highered
New post on the Open Pedagogy Notebook! An Open Companion to Early British Literature https://openpedagogy.org/textbooks/an-open-companion-to-early-british-literature/
New video is up now: Creating Accessible #OER for Student Authors in an #OpenPedagogy course. It definitely shows that I have room to grow in this area, but I figure "good enough" is good for now! If you have recommendations for "take two" of this video, let me know:
New YouTube video alert: Open Licensing for Student Authors! This video was made to accompany an #OpenPedagogy course. It should be seen as a short entry point for larger, more nuanced conversations. Additional resources are provided in the description:
RT @impactology@twitter.com
Any black artists who work with code that are working in online education space for open education, open access publishing, OER (open educational resources)?
#OER #openeducation #opened #openpedagogy #openaccess https://twitter.com/impactology/status/1606573136862121984
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/impactology/status/1606588214625849346
#oer #openeducation #opened #openpedagogy #openaccess
Any black artists who work with code that are working in online education space for open education, open access publishing, OER (open educational resources)?
Or working on something along these lines — Afrofuturist or Black Feminist Philosophy of Open Education i.e A philosophy of open education or open pedagogy at the intersection of afrofuturism and black feminism
#oer #openeducation #opened #openpedagogy #openaccess
Handout: Open Educational Resources & Open Pedagogy https://bit.ly/oer2023
Links to resources on the basics of finding, using, and authoring #OER resources, textbooks, etc., including info on student-generated resources (#OpenPedagogy).
I'll add a 2nd page to the handout in the coming weeks w/resources on #H5P & #Pressbooks in preparation for a workshop.
#oer #openpedagogy #h5p #pressbooks
In response to someone asking about what these #ArtificialIntelligence (#LLM) tools mean for class assignments/tests, here's a thread on 4 paths one might take:
1) Try authentic assessments, things like projects, service learning
Or #OER #OpenPedagogy assignments
Or else things like 2 stage and group exams
#AIED #ChatGPT @edutooters
A few more paths:
#artificialintelligence #llm #oer #openpedagogy #aied #chatgpt
#Altmetrics #anthropology #conspiracytheories #CriticalThinking #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalLiteracy #disinformation #Education #highereducation #InformationLiteracy #InformationRetrieval #InformationScience #InformationVisualization #LIS #MappingReviews #MediaStudies #misinformation #OpenAccess #OpenPedagogy #PeerReview #PredatoryPublishing #ResearchImpact #scholarlywriting #Scholcomm #SciComms #sciencewriting #sensemaking #transitions #university #Zotero
#highereducation #informationliteracy #lis #peerreview #predatorypublishing #sensemaking #transitions #conspiracytheories #DigitalCultures #disinformation #informationretrieval #informationscience #mediastudies #openaccess #openpedagogy #education #informationvisualization #MappingReviews #misinformation #ResearchImpact #altmetrics #anthropology #criticalthinking #digitalhumanities #digitalliteracy #scholcomm #zotero #scholarlywriting #scicomms #sciencewriting #university
#Altmetrics #anthropology #conspiracytheories #CriticalThinking #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalLiteracy #disinformation #Education #highereducation #InformationLiteracy #InformationRetrieval #InformationScience #InformationVisualization #LIS #MappingReviews #MediaStudies #misinformation #OpenAccess #OpenPedagogy #PeerReview #PredatoryPublishing #ResearchImpact #scholarlywriting #Scholcomm #SciComms #sciencewriting #sensemaking #transitions #university #Zotero
#altmetrics #anthropology #conspiracytheories #criticalthinking #digitalcultures #digitalhumanities #digitalliteracy #disinformation #education #highereducation #informationliteracy #informationretrieval #informationscience #informationvisualization #lis #mappingreviews #mediastudies #misinformation #openaccess #openpedagogy #peerreview #predatorypublishing #researchimpact #scholarlywriting #scholcomm #scicomms #sciencewriting #sensemaking #transitions #university #zotero
So, I hear that today is "Follow back Friday," or something akin to that.
My interests include but are not limited to:
#oer #ungrading #openpedagogy #ushistory #americanhistory #gildedage #1970s #1980s #foreignpolicy #coldwar #communitycollege #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #dungeonmaster #baking #cooking #mentalhealth #ptsd #bipolar #anxiety #stress #unitarianuniversalist #atheist
New island. New intro. Ok folks, I've been at Houston CC since 2006 where I teach History. I do #ungrading, #rpg (D&D), and #openpedagogy.
I run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that's met every Saturday night for almost a year now. The youngest player is 9, the oldest is 58. I paint miniatures that I use in the game.
And I am super, duper happy that Liz, et al, created and are running this space.
...and nice to see Bronwyn Hegarty's Attributes of #OpenPedagogy: A model for using #OER cited https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Ed_Tech_Hegarty_2015_article_attributes_of_open_pedagogy.pdf
Werth & Williams clarify #OpenPedagogy by starting with the why https://slejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40561-022-00191-0
Have been feeling inspired after doing some work assembling communities that I'm really interested in - thought I'd do a tag dump for some of the areas that I'm looking into, as well as have already found super interesting, have been following and am boosting... (not in alphabetical order and probably too broad but for my own future reference also!)
#Tag heap:
#Abolition #ACAB #ADHD #Affect #AffectStudies #AntiImperialism #AntiColonialism #AntiRacism #Archiving #Archives #Art #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Boardgames #ClimateChange #Coffee #Commons #CriticalTheory #CinemaStudies #Communities #CulturalStudies #Decolonisation #Design #Disabled #DigitalCommons #DigitalCulture #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #Diversity #EDI #EnglishLiterature #Feminism #Feministsts #FilmStudies #FreeSoftware #Games #Gaming #Geopolitics #Geography #Hauntology #HCI #HumanComputerInteraction
#HigherEd #HigherEducation #History #Histodians #Incarceration #Inclusion #InfrastructureStudies #InternetStudies #London #LowTech #Media #MediaStudies #Museum #Museums #Musicals #OpenPedagogy #ParticipatoryDesign #Pedagogy #PoliceAbolition #Philosophy #Photography #Praxis #Prisons #PrisonAbolition #Preservation #Progressive #Politics #Postmodernism #PublicEducation
#Running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #SocialInclusion #SocialMobility #SocialTheory #Socialism #SocialJustice #Sociology #Sociodon #Sociodons #Solidarity #SoftwareStudies #SoundScapes #Skeuomorphism #SpeculativeFiction #STS #Technology #Trans #UK #VanLife #VideoGames #University #Zines
Also I suppose really this is a second #Introduction after the #TwitterMigration as I'm still relatively #NewHere so... Hi again! Feel free to follow or boost if this sounds like your areas of interest also
#tag #Abolition #acab #adhd #affect #AffectStudies #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Archiving #archives #Art #blacklivesmatter #blm #boardgames #ClimateChange #coffee #commons #criticaltheory #cinemastudies #communities #culturalstudies #decolonisation #design #disabled #digitalcommons #digitalculture #DigitalCultures #digitalhumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #diversity #edi #englishliterature #feminism #FeministSTS #filmstudies #freesoftware #games #gaming #geopolitics #geography #hauntology #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #highered #highereducation #history #histodians #incarceration #inclusion #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #london #lowtech #media #mediastudies #museum #museums #musicals #openpedagogy #participatorydesign #pedagogy #policeabolition #philosophy #photography #praxis #prisons #prisonabolition #preservation #progressive #politics #postmodernism #publiceducation #running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #socialinclusion #socialmobility #socialtheory #socialism #socialjustice #sociology #sociodon #sociodons #solidarity #softwarestudies #soundscapes #Skeuomorphism #speculativefiction #sts #technology #trans #uk #vanlife #videogames #university #zines #Introduction #twittermigration #newhere
Anyone working on interactive #OER workbooks that help you recreate, reproduce, replicate things?
#openscience #opened #openpedagogy #oer #openeducation
How might the #Fediverse transform the ways in which we provide education and support learning?
This is mostly me tinkering with the #Mastodon app. 😉
An important question for us to ponder.
#education #Fediverse #Pedagogy #DigitalPedagogy #OpenPedagogy #edutooter #K12
#edutooter #fediverse #mastodon #education #pedagogy #digitalpedagogy #openpedagogy #k12
How might the #Fediverse transform the ways in which we provide education and support learning?
This is mostly me playing with the #Mastodon app.
A good question for us to ponder #education #Fediverse #Pedagogy #DigitalPedagogy #OpenPedagogy #K12
#fediverse #mastodon #education #pedagogy #digitalpedagogy #openpedagogy #k12
A faculty colleague has expressed interest in pursuing OER, but is hesitant to move forward if it will put her students at a disadvantage on national exams in this field (occupational therapy). If anyone can share any insights about standardized exams connected to particular textbooks in any field, I would love to hear your thoughts. #OER #OccupationalTherapy #edutoot #OpenEducation #OpenPedagogy
#oer #occupationaltherapy #edutoot #openeducation #openpedagogy