LK-99 lessons: - an accurate #openpeerreview that took less than three weeks. But, according to , open peer review cannot be scientific.
LK-99 lessons: - an accurate #openpeerreview that took less than three weeks. But, according to , open peer review cannot be scientific.
#F1000Research aimed at #OpenPeerReview but is utterly failing. Sending a reminder just one week after a first request for a review (on version 2 of a text), and then saying nothing - effectively refusing to publish the review - for *six months* despite two reminders defeats the whole idea of open peer review.
#Qeios seems to be doing the opposite - after publishing a review immediately, it clarifies by email that it's a *preprint* server.
#qeios #openpeerreview #F1000Research
#OpenPeerReview is a nice idea, but what do you do when the article is so bad that it should have never been put up for review? :-(
The authors of the #AfricArXiv
#preprint "Ten simple rules for successful and sustainable African research collaboration" are seeking further feedback via Consider helping them out!
#openpeerreview #preprintreview #preprint #africarxiv
Any opinions on #Qeios [0][1] for #OpenPeerReview? Columbia Uni Mailman SchPublicHealth [2] and NYT [3] seem to take it seriously. I'm rather annoyed at #F1000Research , which pressured me for a fast report on v2 of a paper but after 5 months and several reminders hasn't published my review of v2 [4].
Qeios sounds serious. Is it?
#F1000Research #openpeerreview #qeios
ing.grid works under an #openpeerreview system, running directly in a dedicated #preprint platform. Reviewers have the option of disclosing their names, increasing transparency and having scientific credit for the contribution
Hello, #preprints enthusiasts!
If you or your friend is interested in molecular and cellular neurobiology, cancer biology, computational neuroscience, or meta-research and wants to learn #PeerReview skills while helping colleagues who post #preprints, this opportunity is for you!
Join the Crowd Preprint Review!
This is an opportunity for all researchers and students interested in #PeerReview and #preprints!
#recognizingpreprintreview #openpeerreview #openscience #peerreview #preprints
#ECRs often lack the opportunities to gain #PeerReview skills.
We are here to help!
Take advantage of an opportunity to learn about #OpenPeerReview and help other researchers by giving them helpful feedback on their manuscripts!
Join Crowd Preprint Review groups! 👇
If you are interested in molecular and cellular neurobiology, cancer biology, computational neuroscience, metabolism, or meta-research, check out the link for the details on getting involved!
#openpeerreview #peerreview #ECRs
I just published my first #PreReview! 🎉
(A PreReview is an open peer review of a preprint) /
#preprint #PeerReview #OpenPeerReview
h/t @prereview
#PREreview #preprint #peerreview #openpeerreview
SOCIOS ist gestartet! Wir entwickeln im Rahmen des #DFG-Projekts SOCIOS in Kooperation mit vier sozialwissenschaftlichen #Fachinformationsdienst|en eine digitale Publikationsplattform für kollaboratives Schreiben und #OpenPeerReview in den #Sozialwissenschaften. @SocioHub_FID @fidpol #FID Sozial- & Kulturanthropologie | #EVIFA #FIDKriminologie @UniKoeln
#dfg #Fachinformationsdienst #openpeerreview #sozialwissenschaften #fid #evifa #fidkriminologie
Thanks to @HeidiSeibold for a lovely blog post on PCI RR!
What a great summary of how @PeerCommunityIn and PCI RR work, and thanks for announcing that we're recruiting recommenders (editors)!
#RegisteredReports #OpenResearch #OpenPeerReview
#registeredreports #openresearch #openpeerreview
A new preprint is available. Read and comment on "From Ontology to Metadata: A Crawler for Script-based Workflows" #RDM #MetadataExtraction #Ontology #OAJournal #openpeerreview
#rdm #metadataextraction #ontology #oajournal #openpeerreview
Hi 👋 We are ing.grid, a new journal focused on #FAIRdata management in #engineeringsciences, now on Mastodon :)
ing.grid is an #openaccess journal with an #openpeerreview process. Besides articles and tutorials, ing.grid welcomes datasets, APIs and software.
We are accepting submissions:
Recently, we published our first peer-reviewed article:
#fairdata #engineeringsciences #openaccess #openpeerreview #fdm #rdm #researchdatamanagement #openscience
Unser @tibosl startet am 11. Mai (17 - 19 Uhr) das erste Meetup der #OpenScience Community Hannover (#OSCH). All jene aus der Region Hannover, die sich zu Open Science, #OpenScholarship, #OpenSciencePolicy, #OpenPeerReview, #OpenSourceSoftware und zur Bedeutung von Reproduzierbarkeit, Transparenz und Inklusivität in der Forschung und zu vielen weiteren Themen rund um Open Science austauschen wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen!
#openscience #osch #openScholarship #opensciencepolicy #openpeerreview #opensourcesoftware
#F1000Research is not going to get many reviewers for its #OpenPeerReview system if after two and a half months, a review of version 2 of a paper is still not published:
Receipt of my second review was confirmed by email on 6 Feb 2023 ...
#F1000 had a nice idea, but currently it doesn't seem to be working.
#openscience #f1000 #openpeerreview #F1000Research
In #openpeerreview Daniela Tafani "L’«etica» come specchietto per le allodole. Sistemi di intelligenza artificiale e violazioni dei diritti" #AI #SALAMI #acchiappacitrulli
#ai #salami #acchiappacitrulli #openpeerreview
In #openpeerreview Daniela Tafani "L’«etica» come specchietto per le allodole. Sistemi di intelligenza artificiale e violazioni dei diritti" #AI #SALAMI #acchiappacitrulli
#openpeerreview #ai #salami #acchiappacitrulli
Also be sure to check out the fantastic article 'Preprints Mean Peer Review Can Be Reimagined as it Should Always Have Been' by @eLife 's
Stuart King:
#openpeerreview #preprintpeerreview
Read @prereview director
@Neurosarda's article 'Tackling Bias and Inequity in the Peer Review Process with PREreview' in the most recent issue of Against the Grain:
#equityinstem #biasinpeerreview #openpeerreview