@Bman Did tour last week with #OpenPlans with people from #UnionSquare and #FlatIronDistrict BIDs. Really eye opening. #Broadway as a #sharedStreet. Lots of #chicanes made with #planters (provides seating areas) and eventual removal of curbs. Wasn't shown as a #LinearPark but that sounds good. #Asphalt removal is a good thing. Replace asphalt with trees. Eventually can remove #planters.
#flatirondistrict #unionsquare #Asphalt #linearpark #planters #chicanes #sharedstreet #broadway #openplans
@rbellinger Every so often I do a search on streetsb and only get the massachusetts org. Apparently #StreetsBlogNYC has an email address. gersh@streetsblog.org where you can ask them. Also #OpenPlans is not here AFAIK.