Have you demagnetized your tape deck this year ? Cassette AND open-reel ? All the decks at home ?
Avez-vous démagnétisé votre lecteur de bande cette année ? Cassette ET magnéto à bande ? Tous les lecteurs chez vous ?
#R2R #reeltoreel #openreel #taperecorder #cassette #tape
The ingredients for a little baking this afternoon.
#Ampex #OpenReel #Reels #AnalogueTape
#ampex #openreel #Reels #analoguetape
In English :
Box and reel of MAXELL UD magnetic tape.
Bought new in a music store around year 2000.
7in reel, 1800ft of 35 microns tape.
96 minutes of playtime (4 tracks at 7.5in/s) : 48 minutes in each direction.
Normalized duration of 90 minutes.
2 tracks at 7.5in/s : 48 minutes total playtime.
2 tracks at 15in/s : 24 minutes total playtime (it's not very long 🤨)
#tape #openreel #taperecorder
It's not exactly a secret that I'm all about the compact #cassette tape, but sometimes I like to break out the #openreel heavy machinery and listen to some 'direct from master' #Kraftwerk and #Propaganda.
#propaganda #kraftwerk #openreel #cassette