Retracted my #samvera2019 lightning talk bc I don't have time to get it ready, but it's basically the last 2m of my #openrepo2019 talk. Summarized:
Prioritize maintaining your repositories as a bulwark against regimes & institutions that use epistemological terrorist tactics. K?
The video of my #OpenRepo2019 presentation on sustaining the Stanford Digital Repository is now available, for folks who were interested but could not attend or watch it live:
Feedback is appreciated!
Related to the thread below and my #OpenRepo2019 presentation, my team @DigitalLib recently approved and published our "first responder" model for maintaining production software:
Big ups to @ndushay and John Martin for taking the lead on this!
Presentations and conversations at #OpenRepo2019 earlier this month reinforced this sense that Samvera may have reached a turning point. This is where I will note that others have likely had this sense long before it came to me.
Soon home after my #flyless Hamburg-Helsinki return from #OpenRepo2019 via Copenhagen, Malmö, Stockholm and Turku.
2 night trains (1 diesel), 1 ferry (gas), 1 intercity (7+8+12+2h).
2 nice berths, 7 interesting travel mates, 1 more city visited, 1 less #flygskam, 3 books read.
#flyless #openrepo2019 #flygskam
"Non-commercial restrictions hurt". The Unpaywall integrations couldn't have happened with NC licenses. They reduce usage. at #OpenRepo2019
Im Vortrag von Leigh Stork (Aston University) wurde gesagt, dass die Indexierung durch Google Scholar erst geklappt hat, nachdem die Links so geändert wurden, dass sie "eprints" enthalten... 😲 #OpenRepo2019
what if the real value of your open community is growing your network of people with which to share garden and pet photos
#openrepo2019 #code4lib #samveraconnect #dlfforum
Noch ein super Vortrag von Petr Knoth "Analysing the performance of open access papers discovery tools"
Das neue Tool gibt's als Browser Addon und Repository Plugin #OpenRepo2019
New Romeo differentiates publisher policies for submitted, accepted and published papers. YES! #OpenRepo2019
Das CORE Analytics Dashboard (momentan noch ein Prototyp) möchte eine Alternative zu kommerziellen Evaluationtools sein.
Datenquellen: CORE, Microsoft Academic Graph, Crossref Event Data, Mendeley #OpenRepo2019
Diese Architekturübersicht von hänge ich mir ins Büro (auch wenn es schlecht zu lesen ist) : das Repository kommuniziert über den Messaging Layer mit weiteren Mehrwertdiensten wie z.B. Peer-Review-Systeme und weiteres. #openrepo2019
Eine nette Location für ein Conference Dinner bei der #OpenRepo2019 gestern Abend - Fahrt die Elbe hinunter und durch den Hamburger Hafen
1/2 Der zweite Tag der #openrepo2019 ist vorbei. Obwohl ich seit einigen Jahren die Entwicklungen im Repo-Bereich der Bibliothekslandschaft verfolge, habe ich bereit jetzt überraschend viele Punkte in meinen Notizen, die ich mir später ansehen muss.
Back in April, my team @DigitalLib was asked by @tcramer to draft a whitepaper about the role of @FedoraRepo in our repository evolution work.
I'm not sure we ever shared this openly (even though it's been publicly available since April):
In this way, maintenance can arguably be framed as a radical act of resistance, true, but more importantly as a necessary act to remind us who we are, what we’ve done, and what we can aspire to if we are so bold.
Fin. Thanks for listening. #OpenRepo2019
So, why does repository sustainability matter?
In a world where ignorance, lies, and division are themselves sustained by world leaders and their enablers, and indeed are tweeted out daily (even hourly), how can we possibly afford not to sustain our repositories? #OpenRepo2019
... where life-saving research is defunded and devalued, and where ignorance and xenophobia are exalted over rational inquiry
Repositories ground us in facts, discrete evidence, and our history, providing needed transparency and, ultimately, accountability. #OpenRepo2019
They are an essential epistemological foundation in a world where leaders choose deceit over the truth, where cryptofascist and other regressive regimes decry accepted science and healthy criticism as fake news. #OpenRepo2019
Research is advancing our knowledge of how the world works, and how we interact within it. As we grow and evolve our knowledge base, we endeavor to use this information to make better-informed decisions. Wiser decisions. More humane decisions. #OpenRepo2019